Fortune telling on bones

Fortune-telling on bones was very popular even in ancient times. They used it in ancient Egypt, Greece, Rome, Japan. Even with the help of bones predicted the future of the African tribes, the Maya and even the Eskimos. Depending on the option of guessing on dice, use one to three cubes, which can be bought or made independently. Throwing a certain number of cubes, and counting the number of dropped numbers, they learned the information they needed.

To conduct fortune-telling is recommended in a quiet environment on any day of the week, except Wednesday and Thursday.

Guessing on dice

Take a sheet of paper and draw a circle on it with a diameter of 30 cm. Ask a question about the future that interests you, take 3 bones and throw them in a circle. If one or more bones fall behind a circle, do not take them into account, and if no bone gets in a circle, then the desire will never come true. Now add up all the fallen numbers and find out the answer to the question.

Guessing on Bones Meaning:

Divination by bones for desire

Take a glass, put 2 bones in it, make a wish . Shake the glass counter-clockwise, while holding it in your left hand.

The combination of dropped numbers will tell whether your wish will come true or not: