Analgin during pregnancy

As is known to any woman in the situation, the taking of any kind of medication should be coordinated with the pregnant gynecologist or therapist. Therefore, many future mothers often have a question as to whether it is possible to take (prick) Analgin during pregnancy, and how to drink it properly. Let's take a closer look at this issue, and try to give an exhaustive answer to it.

What is Analgin?

Before considering the features of using Analgin in pregnancy, it must be said that this medicine belongs to a group of non-narcotic pain medications. Its popularity was due to its low cost and availability (it is released without a prescription).

This drug is intended to eliminate such symptoms of disorders as headache, back pain, lower back, toothache, etc. It should be remembered that this medicine does not affect the cause of the pain development, but only damps the pain.

What is the danger of using Analgin during fetal pregnancy?

Like any medicine, Analgin can not be used in early pregnancy, in the first trimester. This can adversely affect the development of the fetus, in view of the fact that it is up to 12-14 weeks to lay the main, vital organs and systems of the baby.

The intake of Analgin during pregnancy, particularly in the 2nd trimester, must be agreed with the doctor. Most often it is not allowed to use. First of all, this is explained by the fact that it is at this stage that the formation of the placenta takes place, which plays an important role in the development of the baby. It should also be taken into account that even in cases when the drug is approved for use by a doctor at this stage, the duration of its use should not exceed 1-3 days. The thing is that long-term use of the drug has a negative effect on the development of the cardiovascular system of the fetus. Moreover, the results of recent laboratory tests prove that even a single use of such a drug can negatively affect the circulatory system of the baby and the work of the kidneys.

Regarding the use of Analgin for violations occurring in the 3rd trimester of pregnancy, doctors advise to refrain from using it and at the end of the period - 6 weeks before the expected date of delivery. This is explained by the fact that the use of the drug at this time can lead to a significant decrease in the number of platelets in the bloodstream. This phenomenon is fraught with an increased risk of bleeding during labor and early puerperium.

What else is dangerous for pregnancy? In addition to all the above, the drug can cause such a violation as agranulocytosis, which consists in the complete absence of circulating blood of granular white blood cells. Ultimately, this condition leads to the fact that immunity decreases, and this is fraught with the development of inflammatory and infectious processes immediately after childbirth.

Also, as a result of taking Analgin, suppression of the synthesis of prostaglandins occurs, which are directly responsible for the contractile activity of the muscular musculature of the uterus during labor. This leads to the onset of primary weakness of labor.

Thus, taking into account all the above, the fact whether it is possible to take pregnant women with analgesic dental, headache, should be determined exclusively by the doctor watching the pregnancy, in order to avoid possible negative consequences.