Same numbers on the clock

Everyone at least once in his life noticed on the electronic clock or on gadgets the same numbers. For some, these are isolated cases, while others insist that they notice this constantly. What is this, a common coincidence or is there still something mystical, will be dealt with.

Possible values ​​of paired numbers on the clock

There are several versions related to both science and mysticism. Let us dwell on the most popular and not too fantastic variants.

Version number 1. People associated with extrasensory and magic , assure that similar coincidences are not accidental and they can predict events of the near future. In general, it is believed that the repeating numbers on the watch are of particular importance and they promise global life changes. Given the combination seen, you can find out important information:

00:00 - cancel all serious business for the next day, as they will only lead to disappointment.

01:01 - if you plan, do some business or doubt about making an important decision, then it's time to implement everything, because the moment is just perfect.

02:02 - there is a sharp pain especially in the side, this is a signal that it is better to look at your own health.

03:03 - you can count on the successful end of the business started earlier.

04:04 - in the coming days it's better not to take risks, because it will not lead to anything good.

05:05 - for single people, this is a clear sign that it's time to fall in love. For people in a relationship, this coincidence serves as a warning that the partner is plotting something wrong.

06:06 is a good sign, promising success in all life spheres.

07:07 - Today everything will be the way you want. The importance of such mirror numbers on the watch is advisory in nature, you should take a closer look at the surrounding environment.

08:08 - be careful, because there is a risk of conflict with employees or superiors.

09:09 - this day you can expect changes in your personal life.

10:10 - soon everything will be as good as possible, so relax and just enjoy.

11:11 - during the day, expect various gifts and surprises.

12:12 - seeing the same numbers on the watch at this time is a good sign indicating that the Higher Forces are on your side.

13:13 - be careful, the circumstances can throw you off the right path.

14:14 - the sign indicates that it's time to open your heart and fall in love.

15:15 - soon any unpleasant news or surprise will arrive.

16:16 - be careful, because any action can scare off luck.

17:17 - this day the risk is justified, but consider your decisions.

18:18 - maybe one of the relatives left a good inheritance for you.

19:19 - on this day you can not count on the succession of luck.

20:20 - if there are some misunderstandings with your beloved, then be more reserved.

21:21 - you will soon regret your earlier act.

22:22 - be on the alert, because there is a serious danger nearby.

23:23 - if today everything is not the best way, then tomorrow everything will be much better.

Version number 2 . There is a version that the same numbers are part of the rhythmic structure of being. When a person begins to constantly notice such a phenomenon, it means that he has become a part of this rhythm. Most often this occurs after a long meditation or as a result of a happy event, when a certain harmony arises.

Version number 3 . Science explains this as a kind of autism. A person has certain reflexes, that is, consciousness creates certain patterns that greatly facilitate life and allow not to waste time on various trifles. At such times, consciousness is turned off and it is at this time that a person sees the same time on the clock.