Fortune-telling on love cards

Even if you are new to divination, cards can tell you the truth. Take a new deck and do not use it for the game - it should only be for predictions. On any day except Monday and Sunday, secrete, light two candles and conduct fortune-telling on love cards. The proposed layout is quite simple and informative.

Divination by Love: 36 cards

First, shuffle the deck and take your left hand to the heart to start guessing on playing cards for love. Lay out three cards until you find your:

Similarly, maps for men are selected. If the two cards that lie in the top three near your card indicate the events that are really happening now, the divination will tell you the truth. If not, better postpone the session.

Divination by cards on the guy for love

The first stage of guessing is very simple: put the lover's card on the left, to the right - your card, leaving a sufficient distance between them. Shuffle the deck, remove the left hand to the heart. Take the cards in a row, put it face down:

Interpret such a divination on love cards in the same order in which you lay out the cards. Pay attention to your associations, mentally link the results to life situations and signs.

Divination by love: the meaning of cards

This guessing on the cards predicts and the meeting of love, and the future separation - depending on what is expected of you.





Over time, you will learn to perceive the value of a number of lying cards as one, and the overall picture will be fairly transparent. However, this is not difficult at the initial stages. A little practice - and everything will turn out very easily.