Do you give water to newborns during breastfeeding?

When lactation is established, moms often do not know whether to give water to newborns who are breastfed. After all during this period the child only adapts to life outside the mother's womb, and any small thing can cause health problems.

Why is it better not to give water to a newborn?

In milk, produced in the female body, there is enough water that covers all the needs of the baby. Extra liquid in the form of dopaivaniya deprives the child of the ability to distinguish between hunger and thirst, and then getting drunk, he is not hungry for some time. And this, in turn, affects the amount of milk, because feeding becomes shorter, and sometimes a child can not take a breast at all.

In addition, water in a child's body can lead to water-salt imbalance and leaching of essential trace elements, especially if given often, with a certain regularity.

When can I give water to newborns on breastfeeding?

But there are no rules that can not be violated. And the situation when it is necessary to give water to newborns during breastfeeding is quite common. This should be done when:

Most situations when the baby needs water is a disease. In fact then the child loses a moisture very intensively, and dehydration can turn back a trouble. To notice that the baby lacks liquid, one can by the number of wet diapers. If there are less than six, then urgently need to enter water. Another symptom of dehydration is the fall of the fontanel.

It should be remembered that the water from the tap, even if it was boiled, can not be given to the child. To buy for drinking, only special water intended for babies should be used. It has a composition that best suits small children.