Medication for colic for newborns

Cough and colic are two of the most frequent reasons for contacting a pediatrician. These are the problems that most often do not give rest to the baby and parents. Meanwhile, very often it is not so difficult to solve them as it seems. In this article, we'll talk about how to rid the child of colic, and also list some drugs for colic in infants.

What will help the colic to the newborn?

The most popular folk remedy for colic for newborns is dill water. This water is a diluted broth of fennel (dill pharmacy). Chamomile tea also helps. Give warm herbal teas should be in the morning, preferably on an empty stomach, 20-30ml.

You can also make herbal baths - with mint, melissa, motherwort. All these herbs have a calming effect. Simply cook the tea according to the instructions on the package and add it to the baby bath when bathing.

But before you start bathing or give crumb drops for newborns from colic, try to apply physical influence - staging "post" after feeding, special poses, massage and gymnastics. Their effectiveness is so high that very often, only them are enough to get rid of colic.

After feeding the baby, it takes some time (about as long as the feeding lasted) to hold vertically - a "pole" - this will help the crumb to spew air, which he could accidentally swallow while eating. After that, put the baby on his tummy, bending his knees under him. In this position, intestinal gases are not only well vented, but also muscles of the abdomen, back and neck are trained.

Not bad helps with colic massage - circular stroking of the pads of the fingers around the navel (clockwise) with a slight depression.

Now you know what helps against colic, but it's just as important to know how to prevent colic in a baby. Preparations for colic for newborns:

All drugs (drops for newborns) from colic relieve pain, but are not very effective as a preventive agent, so to prevent intestinal dysfunction should not be taking medication, but by other means.

Prevention of colic

The main measure of prophylaxis of colic is the psychological situation in the family and the mood of the mother. Anxiety, nervousness of the mother is transmitted to the baby literally with milk, causing a variety of problems - from insomnia and crying, to colic and constipation. The first thing that should make parents - to ensure a positive moral attitude in the family.

Then you should pay attention to the nutrition of the nursing mother. It's no secret that during breastfeeding, a woman should observe a special diet - to exclude fried, hot, garlic, spices, fresh vegetables and fruits, citrus fruits, chocolate, carbonated drinks, mayonnaise, muffins, confectionery, restrict products that can cause flatulence - cabbage , legumes, corn, milk. Of course, it is desirable to lead a healthy lifestyle, eat right, move a lot, sleep well and often be outdoors. The correct order of the day will benefit each member of the family.