Driving drugs on the plane

Every self-respecting traveler always takes a first aid kit along with him. The size and composition of it depends on many factors - this is the destination, and the duration of the trip and, of course, the presence of chronic diseases. Whether it is possible to take medicine in an airplane - this issue is especially acute for travelers whose state of health requires constant and timely medication.

How to take medicine on an airplane?

The basic rules for taking drugs in an airplane are as follows:

1. As such, there is no single list of medicines allowed in the plane, so all medicines (except those with narcotic or psychotropic effects) can be carried in the luggage compartment of the aircraft.

2. For transportation of medicines in the cabin of the aircraft, it is necessary to prepare:

3. The medicine should not be overdue or have an expiring shelf life - this can cause it to be left at the airport.

4. For insulin transport, a diabetic passport issued by the doctor will be required, which will indicate the type of insulin and the required dose

5. Under no circumstances should you take insulin into the luggage compartment, because the temperature drops will make it unsuitable for further use.

6. Liquid medicines for transport in the cabin of the airplane should be packed in containers with a volume of not more than 100 ml, according to the rules for carrying liquids (when flying in the US no more than 90 ml), and it is obligatory to have factory labels with the name of the drug.

7. When flying abroad, it is necessary to clarify the list of drugs banned for import into each state, and to attach to their certificates and recipes their translation into English.

Fulfillment of these simple rules will help to avoid unnecessary worries and troubles in the transportation of drugs on the plane.