Dry scalp

If you ask women what they consider their main decoration, most of them will answer without hesitation, hair. But sometimes this natural ornament, given to us by nature, suddenly becomes tarnished, becomes brittle and split. At the heart of this unpleasant metamorphosis lies dry scalp, the causes and treatment of this trouble and talk today.

Causes of dry scalp

So, before dealing with dry scalp, let's look at the causes of this phenomenon. Here they are:

  1. Unfavorable living conditions, that is, improper or inadequate nutrition, dry, polluted air, lack of water, imbalance in the mode of work and rest.
  2. Incorrect hair care, that is, constant drying with a hair dryer, frequent perm and coloring, the use of various varnishes and fixatives, staying in the open sun or during the cold season on the street without a hat.
  3. Hormonal failures, for example, hypothyroidism, diabetes mellitus, disruption of the pituitary gland.

Of course, it is unlikely to find out the true cause of dryness of the scalp on its own, it is better to consult an experienced doctor for this.

Dry scalp treatment

As to the elimination of other health problems, to get rid of dryness of the scalp should be approached in a comprehensive manner. First, with the help of a specialist, identify the cause and make an individual program of measures for its treatment. And secondly, take advantage of home remedies and recipes of traditional medicine.

Folk remedies for dry scalp

Among the recipes of folk medicine are fine masks for dry scalp, here are some of them.

  1. Mask for dry scalp burdock . Take 1.5 tablespoons each. butter burdock and sea-buckthorn and mix them with a chicken egg. Mix everything thoroughly and apply on the parting to the scalp. Wrap a towel in a towel, and after half an hour wash your head with warm water without using shampoo and rinse with chamomile broth.
  2. Mask for dry scalp sour cream . Take 1 tbsp. l. Oily rustic sour cream, 1 tbsp. l lemon juice and 1 chicken egg. Mix everything thoroughly, lightly warm it in a water bath and apply on the head to the partitions. Then wrap, and after 30 minutes wash your head and rinse your hair with a decoction of the bark of oak.

Do not forget that oil and shampoo for dry scalp is best picked up individually, and not by type, the girlfriend helped.

As you can see, care for dry scalp though requires some effort, but it is possible for any woman. Just find your tool, and let your hair be the most chic.