
Phali (mkhali) is an original dish in the Georgian culinary tradition (in fact, it's vegetable salads). Usually phalis are prepared from the main component and the acute filling. As the main component, you can use spinach, asparagus, chard (beet leaves), cabbage, young leaves of nettle, eggplant, string beans and rice. Refueling is prepared from walnuts, garlic, onions, hot pepper, spicy herbs, natural wine vinegar, coriander and salt. To make a delicious phali, you need to understand the principle of cooking and establish the correct proportions of ingredients. And then - only your imagination and culinary intuition.

Phali from aubergines

Ingredients (for 4-6 servings):


The washed eggplant (with tails) is placed on a baking tray and placed in an oven - bake for 40 minutes. The optimum temperature for baking is 180-200 ° C. During this time the eggplants must be turned 3 times to bake evenly. We will pull out the baking sheet with baked aubergines and wait until they cool down a bit and carefully peel the peel. Delete the tails. Chilled eggplant will be laid out one by one on a cutting board and cut with a knife to the state of "caviar".

Now prepare the nut filling. Chop the kernels of walnuts, onions, garlic and greens. You can use a meat grinder or a food processor, a blender. To the nut mixture prepared in this way, add the spices, a little vinegar and oil in equal parts, add it and mix thoroughly. We mix the refueling with the prepared eggplant mass. You can serve ready-made phali to the table.

Phali of green beans



Boil until ready for the young pod string beans in a small amount of water and throw it into the colander. When the water runs off, finely chop the beans with a knife. We'll prepare the gas station. Grind the nuts as small as possible. Finely chop the peeled onion, place it in the bowl, add and pour a spoonful of vinegar into it. Purified garlic is ground in a mortar. Well chop the greens. Mix all the prepared ingredients, add spices and spoons 2 vegetable oil. We will combine beans and dressing and mix thoroughly. We'll let the dish stand, so that the beans are well soaked in the dressing. Phali of beans can be served as a separate dish.

Phali of cabbage



Slightly boil the cabbage and let it through the meat grinder (you can use the combine). Now it's refueling. Grind the nuts, greens and garlic. Add vinegar and spices. We mix cabbage mass and dressing in a salad bowl. You can roll the balls and arrange them on a dish, decorating the pomegranate seeds and leaves with greens.

Phali from the beet



Unrefined beets are boiled, cleaned and rubbed on a grater. We exfoliate nuts and garlic. Grind the greens. All mixed, add spices and add. We will add oil and vinegar. In a salad bowl, mix beetroot mass and nut filling.

Phali is good to serve along with traditional Georgian dishes of meat and fish and, of course, incomparable Georgian table wine.