Holidays in France

France - is the most beautiful, romantic and mysterious country, to get to at least once in a lifetime everyone dreams. As it should be, many of its stories, traditions, holidays live here. The uniqueness of the festivities in France is in their variegated variety, collected from a multitude of provincial towns, the sources of which are still in antiquity.

Official Holidays in France

The official holidays include those that are adopted at the state level and are established as days off (non-working days). There are many such holidays in France. National and state holidays in France:

Religious holidays in France include:

Unofficial holidays in France

To widely celebrated, but not being days off, holidays it is possible to carry:

Religious holidays that are not the entrance:

There are also very unusual holidays like Day of Smile (Day of Smile), Feast of Chestnuts, Cheese Day, Beaujolais Festival and other cheerful traditions and festivals of France.