Pizza Assorted

Under the name "pizza assorted" nothing concrete is hidden. As a rule, assorted means either a completely arbitrary combination of ingredients, or the division of pizza into 4 different flavor segments. Both of these variations we will discuss in more detail below.

Pizza Assortment - recipe

If you decide to use a homemade dough for making such a pizza, then we will give you a simple recipe below, otherwise the purchase of a test piece will help to speed up the process.


For the test:

For filling:


Before you make a pizza assortment, put the dough on a proofing, for which previously mixed flour, salt, yeast, butter and warm water. When the dough gathers together, cover it with a wet napkin and set aside for half an hour.

Prepare the pizza toppings for which you need to fry the champignons cut into plates, divide into pieces of olives, cut the cheese and ham, and also disassemble the heart of the artichokes (you can replace them with pickled sweet peppers).

Straighten your hands and spread the dough into a layer and grease it with tomato sauce. Lay the mozzarella slices on top. Visually divide the surface into four parts and lay over each of them a separate stuffing. Put the pizza into the oven for 15 minutes at 200 degrees.

Pizza "Sea Assortment" - recipe



Lubricate the base for the pizza with bechamel and cover with half a grated cheese. From the top, distribute pieces of fish and seafood, pre-draining the oil from the latter. Sprinkle the surface of the pizza with the remaining cheese and send everything to the oven for 15 minutes at 190.

Recipe for pizza "Meat Assortment" at home



Season the minced meat and divide it into small portions. Each of these portions roll and fry until browned. Lubricate the surface of the dough sauce, distribute on it half of the cheese, then thin slices of meat products and fried meatballs. Sprinkle with the remaining cheese and bake at 215 degrees for 15 minutes.