Angel's Day

The name Roman has a Latin origin and is translated as "Roman". He has his own secret and meaning.

a brief description of

Men with this name are distinguished by the ability to self-organization, as well as rationality, logic and the gift of persuasion, and patience, endurance. However, in addition to these qualities, he has a very developed intuition, which rarely fails him. He is self-confident, objective, does not give in to someone else's influence. Such a person can become an excellent politician, judge, leader, employee of law enforcement agencies. In work, he becomes a workaholic if he sees the possibility of self-realization, the prospect of taking a high post or getting a good salary. Roman is not indifferent to art, constantly cultivating himself and working on himself. In marriage, it is important for him to feel himself a leader, not to feel the infringement of his freedom. Otherwise, he can start to change or just will not be happy. Only a wise woman, who has a natural cunning, will be able to maintain a strong marriage with such a man for long, creating an atmosphere of trust and care.

Date of the day of Roman's Angel

A holiday like the day of an angel should be celebrated only once a year. In order to determine what day Roman should be looked at in a special calendar, where the days of all the saints (patrons) with that name are indicated. You should choose the date that will be closest, after the birthday.

The Orthodox day of the angel or Romanina's name day can fall into one of the following dates:

Still interesting to know that the Catholic day of the angel named Roman is possible in the following numbers:

Despite the fact that there are so many numbers in the year that have a connection with the patron, only the only one of these dates will become the day of the Roman angel. All the rest are called "small" name-days. It is believed that this holiday should not be celebrated noisily and invite many guests. Of course, a small feast can be arranged, but it must be remembered that this day is well suited for visiting the church.