Diarrhea with blood in a child

Diarrhea or diarrhea is a phenomenon accompanied by multiple and sometimes painful liberation of the intestine from liquid feces. Abundant and frequent bowel movement in a baby or an adult is dangerous because the body quickly dehydrates. However, the loss of water is not the most dangerous consequence of diarrhea, so with diarrhea, do not immediately give the child a miracle pill. To begin with, it is necessary to establish the cause of the liquid frequent stool and its nature.

Causes of diarrhea

Depending on the type, the gastric disorder is divided into infectious, acute and chronic. Infectious diarrhea is provoked by bacteria and pathogenic viruses that infect the body. Often the cause of this condition of the digestive tract is the E. coli, found on poorly washed or generally unwashed products. Acute diarrhea is caused by infections, inflammatory hidden processes and the intake of certain medicines. This form of diarrhea lasts no more than 12-14 days. It is with this type of diarrhea in the stool that blood is often found. If diarrhea lasts three or more weeks, then it is called chronic.

Blood in the feces of the baby

If a newborn child has diarrhea with blood, then this can be, unfortunately, a sign of ulcerative colitis or Crohn's disease in children . Often the causes of diarrhea with blood are infections, allergies to foods containing milk, improper nutrition and some medications. In general, diarrhea with blood in the baby is a signal that indicates that the inflammation in the colon is progressing. Probably, the kid has picked up an intestinal infection, so about itself lets know and a dysbacteriosis. Sometimes diarrhea with blood and fever are symptoms of surgical disorders. Such an unpleasant phenomenon can be observed in the event that the crumbs have cracks in the anus. However, the stool masses in this case specific: along with liquid excrement go out and solid, but mucus is absent.


Having found a baby's diarrhea with blood, do not panic and do not decide on your own what to do, how to treat it, because the appearance of blood in the child's feces is pathology. Not knowing the causes of diarrhea, you can hurt the baby. This is a problem to be solved by a specialist. Parents only have to pay attention to the color and consistency of stool for timely detection of abnormalities. Any color of feces, except yellowish-mustard, brown and sand, is, without doubt, an occasion for a visit to the pediatrician.