Diet for pregnant women 2 trimester

The second trimester of pregnancy begins with the 14th week and in many women it appears in the disappearance of early toxicosis and the appearance of appetite. If the first trimester is characterized, in most cases, by a lack of appetite, then the longer the gestation period, the more one wants to eat. And here is the main thing to eat right, so as not to harm yourself and your future child.

Diet for pregnant women - 2 trimester

Diet in the second trimester does not provide for strict limitations, but it has its own peculiarities:

Diet in the third trimester

The most severe restrictions in the diet are observed in the 3rd trimester, as poor nutrition during this period can provoke the development of late gestosis. Late gestosis is characterized by an increase in blood pressure above 140/90 mm Hg, the appearance of edema and protein in the urine. In case of appearance of at least one of the listed signs of late gestosis, a salt-free diet during pregnancy is recommended. Previously, it was incorrectly believed that the diet for pregnant women with swelling provides for a deficiency of fluid, because the body of a pregnant woman is already in a state of hypovolemia and the excess fluid is not in the bloodstream, but in the intercellular space. The use of protein, too, should not be limited, because the body is pregnant and so it loses. Protein in the pregnant menu with gestosis should be in the form of low-fat varieties of meat (chicken, beef, rabbit).

We examined the features of dietary nutrition in women in the 2nd and 3rd trimester, the differences are due to the needs of the pregnant woman, the developing baby and the possible complications inherent in every single trimester of pregnancy.