Pregnancy in gestosis - the main causes and treatment of a formidable complication

Pregnancy in pregnancy occurs in 15-20% of all expectant mothers. This disease is accompanied by an increase in blood pressure, edema, a violation of the kidneys. Such violations adversely affect gestation and cause maternal mortality.

What is gestosis in pregnancy?

Gestosis doctors call the syndrome, in which there is a violation of the work of several systems of organs (liver, kidneys, nervous system, cardiovascular). The disorder is characteristic of the second half of the gestational age. In connection with this, the definition of "late toxicosis" is often used - in pregnancy this is a frequent complication. It should be noted that the disease develops mainly in women who had previously, before pregnancy, health problems. This state provokes:

Toxicosis in late pregnancy - reasons

It is unequivocal to answer, because of what there is a gestosis during pregnancy, at late terms, doctors can not. On this account, there are several theories of the development of the disease in pregnant women:

  1. The daggers are the vinculum theory. According to her, the disease is a kind of neurosis. It develops as a result of a violation of the mechanism of interaction of the cerebral subcortex and the cortex. This leads to violations of the vascular system, blood circulation.
  2. Endocrine theory. Its supporters argue that the violation of regulatory processes, failure of the circulatory system lead to changes in the work of endocrine glands. Synthesized by them biological substances affect the tone of the vessels and the viscosity of the blood.
  3. Genetic theory. According to the statements of geneticists who performed a static analysis among pregnant women with gestosis, the disorder often occurs in women whose mothers have suffered from such diseases.
  4. Placental theory. It is based on the development of changes in the vascular network of the uterus, which feeds the placenta. This situation provokes the release of active substances that disrupt the normal functioning of the vascular system of the mother's body.

When does late toxicosis begin?

Women who are worried about the future of the baby and the process of gestation in general, often interested in the question, at what time late toxicosis in pregnancy develops. Doctors answer 20 weeks, but note that every pregnancy has its own peculiarities, so the disorder can develop earlier. For example, according to the doctors' observations, the pathology develops earlier in case of multiple pregnancy and it is more difficult (the first signs appear already at week 16).

The frequency of gestosis in the next pregnancy is sharply reduced. At the same time, the more easily the disorder occurred and the later its development was observed, the probability of the development of pathology with repeated gestation is lower. An increased risk of gestosis is observed when:

What is the risk of late toxicosis in pregnancy?

Pathology negatively affects the process of gestation, the state of health of the most pregnant woman. Future mothers develop disorders in the work of several body systems. A significant impact falls on the kidneys, liver, lungs, nervous system. Telling, what complications are possible at late toxicosis of pregnancy, it is necessary to allocate:

In addition, toxicosis in later terms has an effect on the process of gestation itself. According to the doctors' observations, with mild to moderate gestosis, preterm labor occurs in 10% of cases, and in severe cases the frequency of such complication of pregnancy reaches 20%. Violation often leads to a partial placental abruption , which is dangerous by the complete interruption of the gestation process.

Classification of late toxicosis of pregnancy

Late toxicosis, depending on the mechanism of development, is divided into 2 types:

  1. Pure gestosis - often occurs at 36 weeks gestation and later, lasts from 1 to 3 weeks. Violation is primary - occurs in pregnant women who previously had no health problems. The pathology begins gradually, bright symptoms are absent. There is a small edema of the limbs, unstable increase in blood pressure, in the urine there are traces of protein. Changes in the liver, respiratory and circulatory systems are absent.
  2. Combined gestosis. It starts earlier than clean, around the 20th week, has a long duration (6 weeks). It can be manifested in different ways, depending on the background of what kind of disorder the gestosis arose. More often as a provocative factor are:

How is late toxemia manifested in pregnancy?

When gestosis occurs during pregnancy in later periods, signs of violation may be absent. In the initial stages of the disorder, women can notice frequent dizziness, increased salivation, and vomiting. These symptoms are supplemented by emotional instability, a violation of the senses: taste, smell. Among the main symptoms that allow you to suspect gestosis during pregnancy:

Pregnancy Gestosis - degree

Depending on what signs of gestosis during pregnancy the doctor fixes, what is the clinical picture, it is customary to distinguish the following stages of the pathological process:

  1. Dropsy of a pregnant woman. Characterized by the appearance of edema, which can be suspected by numbness of fingers. It is worth considering that increased swelling is not always associated with gestosis. The fluid retention in the body occurs against the background of increased production of progesterone, exacerbation of chronic disease (varicose veins).
  2. The second stage is nephropathy. Develops against the background of the dropsy. It is characterized by an increase in the load on the kidneys, an increase in blood pressure.
  3. Preeclampsia. In addition to the above clinical symptoms (high blood pressure, swelling), there is a protein in the urine . This stage is accompanied by impaired blood supply to the brain, a severe headache. The arterial pressure reaches 160/110 mm Hg. Art. and higher.
  4. Eclampsia is the fourth stage of gestosis. Characterized by a violation of the work of many internal organs, the appearance of seizures, they can be triggered by various factors: sharp sound, light, stress. The attack lasts 1-2 minutes.

Late toxicosis - what to do?

How to treat gestosis in pregnancy - defines only the doctor. Therapy of this disorder is based on the elimination of the underlying cause, the normalization of the condition of the pregnant woman. In general, the process of assisting a pregnant woman with a similar disease is based on:

Gestosis - drugs for treatment

With the goal of quickly eliminating gestosis during pregnancy, treatment of the disease, doctors select an individual therapy regimen. It is aimed at stabilizing the processes disturbed in the body of the future mother, excluding the development of complications of pregnancy. Among the frequently used groups of drugs for gestosis:

Gestosis - diet

To completely exclude toxicosis in late pregnancy, along with taking medication, a woman must follow a diet. In the diet should include more fruits, vegetables, berries. Among the recommended:

To eliminate gestosis during pregnancy, protein foods should predominate in food. Those that contain a lot of fat and carbohydrates, it is necessary to exclude. Food should be taken in smaller portions, the interval between doses should be 2-3 hours. If there is a strong intolerance to certain smells, it is best to use cold dishes. 30 minutes before eating, do not drink water, juices. The volume of liquids drunk per day should be 1.5-2 liters.

How to avoid gestosis during pregnancy?

Preventive maintenance of gestosis during pregnancy should begin at the planning stage. A complete examination, treatment of chronic diseases makes it possible to exclude their aggravation when carrying a child. It is important to start the therapy. If a woman suspected a late toxemia during pregnancy, the symptoms of which are named above, you should immediately consult a doctor. Preventive maintenance of gestosis at current pregnancy assumes: