Eggplant varieties for open ground

People from the sunny south, eggplants, not only pleased our compatriots, but also took pride of place on our tables. In fact, from what other vegetable can you cook so many delicious, unusual and very nutritious dishes? Despite the southern origin, eggplants can be grown in our latitudes, and not only in greenhouses, but even in open ground. About what sorts of eggplant is best planted in the open ground, we'll talk today.

Eggplant varieties for open ground

Choosing aubergines for growing in the open ground, we advise you to pay attention to the earliest and yielding varieties of eggplant. They not only have time to ripen in the middle zone, but even will please the truck farmers with a fairly good harvest.

Aubergine variety "Alekseevsky"

This sort of eggplant belongs to the early ripening. He feels well both in the conditions of the greenhouse and in the open ground. Its fruits have a classical cylindrical shape and a deep dark violet color, reaching about 150 grams each during the maturity period. The taste of Alekseevsky eggplants is beyond praise - the tender white pulp is absolutely not bitter.

Eggplant variety "Robin Hood"

Eggplants with such a romantic name are distinguished by an absolutely prosaic disposition and yield an excellent harvest under conditions in which other varieties simply do not survive. The fruits of this variety are large enough - up to 300 grams, lilac and have the shape of a pear. In addition, this variety is ideal for lovers of home preparations, because its fruits are very good in salt and sausage.

Aubergine variety "Almaz"

These eggplants are not in vain got such a big name, because they can be the biggest jewel in the vegetable garden. Miniature, practically dwarf shrubs of the "Almaz" variety are distinguished by excellent yield, allowing even with ordinary care to collect from one square meter of the garden about 10 kg of harvest. The fruits of the "Diamond" have the shape of a cylinder, reach a weight of 160 grams, and their peel is colored in a rich dark purple color.

Aubergine variety "Early Dwarf"

To get acquainted with the first eggplant varieties "Dwarf early" can be already 85 days after the appearance of the first shoots. The fruits of this variety have a round-pear shape, are painted in a dark purple color and reach approximately 150 grams. The variety belongs to the dining room, its fruits have a pleasant delicate taste.

Aubergine variety "Spherical"

This sort of eggplant refers to varieties of the average ripeness. The first fruits on it ripen on the hundredth day after landing in the ground and have a round shape. The average weight of one eggplant is about 200 grams, but some giants grow to 700 grams. Although this variety does not differ super pleasant taste, but it is perfectly stored and transported.

A variety of eggplant "Simferopol"

Refers to the varieties of the average ripeness. Its fruits are oval in shape and weigh from 200 to 250 grams. The first fruits ripen on 110 days after emergence. They have a pleasant taste and are suitable for stuffing or preparing eggplant caviar .

Eggplant variety "Maksik"

Like other new varieties of aubergines, the "Maxik" variety is distinguished by the compactness of the bushes multiplied by the increased yield. From one square meter of the bed can be collected more than 10 kg of fruit, each of which has the form of an elongated cylinder of dark purple. The weight of one fruit is about 200 grams.

Eggplant "Snowy"

Fans of white varieties of eggplant can advise for an open ground a variety of eggplant "Snow". It refers to varieties of early maturity, and its fruits reach up to 300 grams and have a cylindrical shape.