The time of planting garlic for the winter

As you know, garlic can be of two types: winter and spring. Planting spring garlic is carried out in the spring, and winter crops are planted in autumn. When planting garlic under winter, the question of when to produce it is of great importance.

When to plant garlic for winter?

If you land garlic in a very early period, then sprouting of greenery will occur, which leads to a weakening of the root system. If the timing is too late, garlic will not have time to take root, which will significantly reduce its winter hardiness. Therefore, it is important to choose the correct date for planting garlic for the winter.

The time of planting garlic largely depends on the climate of the area in which it is planted, and weather conditions. Thus, observations of the weather indicate that early spring comes early and fall, and vice versa.

It is necessary to have time to land in 20-40 days before the expected onset of cold weather. The soil temperature during planting of garlic at a depth of 5 cm should be about 12-15 ° C.

In the forest-steppe, garlic is usually planted, beginning in the last decade of September and ending in the second decade of October, and in the steppe until the last decade of October.

The last term of planting garlic for the winter

The last term of planting garlic for the winter can be called the end of October. A later period may be disastrous for the plant, because at this time there are already severe frosts - below -10 ° C. In the absence of snow, under which the plant grows under cover, there is a strong frost, which leads to the death of garlic.

Some truck farmers at the planting are guided by the lunar calendar. For them, you can advise planting garlic on the waning moon (in the constellations of Taurus, Pisces or Capricorn ).

To increase the timing of planting garlic, it can be planted at great depth. With a deep planting (10-15 cm), the rooting of this plant is better, and its frost resistance increases.

It is necessary to take into account that for planting garlic in the right time, it is important to prepare a garden bed for it in time. Therefore, the garden culture, which grew in the garden before planting garlic, must be removed before the end of July. 1-2 weeks before planting prepare the soil. For this, the earth is carefully treated from weeds, fertilized with humus, compost, nitrophosphate and superphosphate. 1-2 days before planting, ammonium nitrate is introduced into the soil.

In addition, the question of when to plant garlic depends on the way it is planted for the winter.

If you want to plant the cloves of garlic dry, without pre-soaking, then this is best for this is the third decade of September.

In case you did not have time in these terms, you can land with another method. Gins of garlic soaked for 2-3 hours in a solution of humate or simply in warm water. Then the teeth are poured with sawdust, which is moistened with warm water or a solution in which soaked garlic. In this form, the teeth are placed for two days in a warm place, before eruption on the teeth root rudiments. Garlic with roots formed can be planted before October 15. The soil is poured with warm water, mulched with sawdust or dry peat.

Before the first snow for the planted garlic is made a shelter from a film or roofing material. When snow falls, it becomes a natural shelter, so the film or roofing material is removed.

The optimal timing of planting garlic for the winter

Taking into account the above, the optimal time for planting garlic for the winter can be considered the time from September 20 to October 15. Observance of the right timing will help you properly prepare the plant for the winter period, which in the future will ensure a good harvest.