The causes of miscarriage in the early stages

In the life of most women at a certain time comes a happy moment, when nature makes it possible to realize the main female destiny - to become a mother. There comes a pregnancy, and the organism of the future mother directs all forces to preserve the fetus.

Unfortunately, not always the pregnancy ends with childbirth. In some cases, its spontaneous interruption occurs - miscarriage. Quite a large number of miscarriages occur in the early stages of pregnancy, up to 12 weeks. If spontaneous abortion occurred before the fifth week of pregnancy, the woman may not notice this, having taken a bleeding for the usual menstruation. However, at a later date, miscarriage can be a psychological trauma. Do not despair, it is better to understand the possible causes of pregnancy failure and prepare for the next attempt, so that it ended safely.

The main causes of miscarriage in early pregnancy

Genetic or chromosomal abnormalities of the fetus

When the organism of the mother or father is exposed to adverse conditions - harmful production, radiation, viral infections, the fetus has pathological structural disorders, can not gain a foothold on the walls of the uterus and goes outside. Such a result is even in some way positive, because it saves young parents from inferior offspring, unable to survive. Such couples need consultation with a geneticist to eliminate the causes of early miscarriages.

Pregnancy for Rh-conflict

The cause of spontaneous miscarriage at an early pregnancy can be different rhesus factor of the spouses. If a woman has a negative Rhesus, and the child has inherited from the father a positive Rhesus blood, then the mother's body produces antibodies, leading to the death of the fetus. In this case, doctors propose prophylactic treatment with hormonal progesterone preparations, and in the future a new pregnancy with the birth of a healthy child is possible.

Hormonal disorders in the body of a woman

Quite a frequent cause of miscarriage in the early stages. It is observed with a deficiency in the future mother of female hormones, most often progesterone, or the presence of an excessive number of male hormones, which does not allow the fetus to gain a foothold in the uterine cavity. In the treatment of hormone replacement therapy, the threat of pregnancy disruption is minimal.

Sexually Transmitted Infections

Analyzing the existing stereotypes of relations in the youth environment, it becomes clear why the pregnancy is broken at an early date. Sex infections such as trichomonads, syphilis, toxoplasmosis, chlamydia, etc. lead to infection of the fetus, cause its destruction and again cause spontaneous miscarriage in the early stages. In order to avoid repeated crises, it is necessary to undergo appropriate treatment before the onset of pregnancy under the supervision of a doctor.

The presence of common infectious diseases in the pregnant woman, as well as diseases of internal organs

Dangerous for the fetus can become mothers transferred tonsillitis, flu, ARVI-diseases, in which there is a high body temperature. Especially often spontaneous miscarriage for this reason is observed at the 5th week of pregnancy. Do not even talk about the danger of severe infectious diseases - rubella, scarlet fever and others. All of them can be the answer to the question: "Why do miscarriages occur?"

Other reasons

There are a number of other reasons why there can be a miscarriage in the early stages of pregnancy. These risk factors are fairly simple. Not knowing about them, the young woman will not be able to find the reason why the pregnancy was lost. So, there are several more reasons for spontaneous abortions in the first trimester of pregnancy: