Monarch Flower

Few know that the famous Ruta chervona, about which no less famous Sofia Rotaru sings, is nothing but a monarch flower. The variety of this plant is quite a lot and they all have a tremendous smell and are suitable for food and medicine.

Therapeutic properties of the monarch flower

Since ancient times, this fragrant plant, rich in essential oils, was used in medicine. And to this day, in addition to traditional treatment, mona-funds are used.

The use of the monarch for therapeutic purposes is very diverse. It is used for bronchitis, tuberculosis, anemia, pneumonia and bladder, otitis . The plant helps to fight headache, bad breath and oral problems, because it is a powerful antiseptic. Eczema, inflammation on the burn site - all this is subject to a miraculous flower.

Some confuse monarch flowers with bergamot. Yes, they are really added for the aromatization of tea, and the smell is similar. But the plant bergamot refers to citrus, this is a fruit tree, and the monarch is a herbaceous plant.

Inflorescences of red, crimson, white and pink shades are used for aromatization of meat dishes, as well as as a seasoning for summer vitamin salads. Thanks to the content of antioxidants and vitamins in the plant, its use in fresh form tones up the body and increases its efficiency.

Cultivation of a monarch flower

In order to grow this attractive and useful flower on your site, you need to find a suitable place for it - it should be in the penumbra, then the green mass, which grows well in the sun, does not interfere with abundant flowering.

Preference monarch flower gives fertile loose earth, although it can grow on clay soil, but will not have such a bright and lush flowering. The soil should always be loose and moist. This can be achieved by mulching natural materials - straw, hay, overgrown sawdust, cardboard.

Landing of the monard is made in mixborders, and care of the plant consists in the timely removal of discolored inflorescences, so that nothing prevents the monarch from throwing out new ones.

With the onset of cold weather in warm regions, the plant is cut to the root and sheltered for the winter, protecting it from frost. In the north, the pruning is carried out in early spring with the onset of relative heat in the middle - end of April.