Borovoy uterus with myomas

The plant, known as the hog queen, has long been used in the treatment of many diseases of the female reproductive system. To date, various infusions of the boron are used both inside and as a solution for syringing. However, the plant has a number of contraindications and can not always completely rid of the disease. In this article, we will talk about the intricacies of using the hog uterus in myomas.

Does the hog uterus help with fibroids?

We will touch on this issue very first, since, ascribing the ability to completely cure myoma to the boric uterus, many women forget to specify the picture of their own disease, which can cause great problems for other women who have a similar diagnosis, but in another stage.

So, the treatment of fibroids with a borax uterus gives very good results for a tumor that is located in the thickest of the uterine muscles and has a size of up to 10 mm. This type of tumor, with proper treatment of the hogweed, is able to completely resolve. In other cases, for example, with submucous or subserous myoma , the boric uterus can only eliminate the pain of women and slow or stop the growth of the tumor, but not cure the disease completely.

Treatment of fibroids by the hog uterus must necessarily be agreed with the attending physician and do not resort to this option if urgent surgical intervention is required.

Features of treatment of fibroids

Treatment with a hog queen is a long course. Broths and herbal tinctures are accepted for myomas for at least one year. The course of treatment consists of douching and taking a decoction or tincture inside. In the following manner, the procedures are systematically carried out for three months, after which there is a monthly break and the reception starts anew.

Immediately after taking the first course of herbal infusions, there may be an exacerbation of the disease, but in this case, you should continue to drink the bovine uterus. After the exacerbation of the disease, there comes a period of improvement in the condition and gradual recovery.

How to take the uterus with myoma?

Broth of the bovine uterus with myomas

Broth of the hog queen is most often used for syringing.

It is necessary to take 1 tbsp. a spoonful of borage, pour it 1 cup of boiling water and cook for about 5 minutes in a water bath. After that, the broth should be infused 2 - 3 hours, filtered and used for douching.

Begin syringing right after the end of menstrual flow. Douching should be done within 7 to 10 days. After this, a break is made until the end of the next menstruation.

The same broth can be taken and inside by 1 tbsp. spoon one hour before a meal, 4 to 5 times a day. Receiving broth inside should start from the 4th day of the cycle or immediately after the end of menstruation.

Tincture of the hog uterus with myomas

To make a tincture of the hog uterus, you should take 50 g of grass and pour it with 0. 5 liters of vodka or alcohol, diluted to 40 degrees. After connecting the components, the tincture must be sent to a dark place for three weeks.

Take the tincture should begin with the 4th day of menstruation. It is taken before meals three times a day for 30 to 40 drops. Duration reception tincture of the bovine uterus in myoma and endometriosis is three weeks. Then a break for a week is made, and the course begins anew from the indicated day of menstruation.

Contraindications to the treatment of hysteromyoma

Do not take broths and tinctures of boron uterus in the following cases:

With caution take boron in gastritis. With this disease, ingestion is carried out immediately after meals.