Benefits of semolina porridge

The use of semolina porridge is known for a long time. In childhood, probably, every child ate it with great pleasure. Nutritionists recommend not to forget about this porridge and in adulthood, as it improves health and helps to get rid of excess weight .

Manna porridge - harm or benefit?

First it is necessary to say about the calorific value, so 100 g of the product cooked on water account for 80 kcal. Only it is worth considering that when cooking porridge in milk, its energy value is significantly increased. Manna porridge is considered an excellent food for active people. The composition of the cereals includes dietary fiber, which for a long time retain a sense of satiety, and also cleanse the intestines from various degradation products. With regular use of porridge helps to normalize the level of cholesterol in the blood, which also has a beneficial effect on the process of losing weight.

It is worth considering that semolina porridge brings not only good, but harm to the body. The composition of the cereals includes titanium, which resists absorption of calcium and vitamin D. Therefore, it is not recommended to abuse manna porridge.

How to use manna for slimming?

There are several diets that are based on the use of such porridge. For example, you can take a weekly low-calorie option. During this time, depending on your initial weight, you can lose up to 5 kg. All the time the menu will be the same:

Also, semolina porridge can be combined with 2 teaspoons of jam or honey. Due to the fact that the croup is cooked on milk, you will receive the protein necessary for normal life and for weight loss. Do not forget about the liquid. Every day you need to drink at least 1.5 liters of pure still water. It is allowed to drink coffee and tea without sugar, but not more than 3 cups.




Combine the ingredients and cook the porridge on low heat until cooked. If you replace milk with water, the calorie content of the diet will decrease. In this case, it is recommended to adhere to such a diet no more than 3 days.

Diet on semolina is especially popular with lovers of sweet. It is considered sparing and tasty. Adhering to her person does not have problems with well-being. Despite this, as well as before any other diet is recommended to consult a doctor.