Tibetan medicine - cleansing the body

Now people for the treatment of diseases and just for maintaining health are less likely to resort to the use of medicines, preferring home methods to them. Tibetan medicine cleansing the body is gaining popularity thanks to effective recipes, consisting of natural products, which sometimes help better the most effective drugs.

Recipes of Tibetan Medicine

The secrets of Tibetan medicine are based on the observance of proper nutrition, moderation in behavior and constant body training. With regard to nutrition, then for a long life without disease it is recommended to follow such rules:

  1. Enriching the diet with plant foods, which should be about 60% of the total menu;
  2. Refusal of meat, consumption of dairy products and fish is allowed;
  3. Once every seven days, you must give up food by taking only water.

One of the effective methods of cleansing the body of toxins, metabolic products and the fight against excess weight is based on the use of rice porridge, prepared in a special way:

  1. Take round rice (the number of tablespoons should equal the number of years) and in the evening it is poured with boiled water.
  2. In the morning all the water is drained, a spoonful of rice is collected and cooked for three minutes, the rest is put back in the refrigerator.
  3. Then the porridge is eaten on an empty stomach without the use of oil, salt and other additives.

It is allowed to take food after an hour. Purification lasts until all the rice is eaten.

Treatment of garlic in Tibetan medicine

Garlic is known for its ability to excrete toxins, speed up the process of metabolism. A week later, you can see a surge of vivacity, a rise in tone and a significant improvement in well-being. Prepare the cleanser in this way:

  1. 400 grams of garlic is poured with lemon juice (24 pieces).
  2. The composition is placed in a glass container and tied with gauze.
  3. Send the infusion into the refrigerator.

Accept after a meal. The product is shaken, take a spoon (tea) and diluted with boiled water (glass).

Tibetan medicine for the purification of blood vessels

This procedure will help to normalize blood flow, increase the elasticity of blood vessels, prevent the development of pathologies of the heart muscle and blood vessels:

  1. Chamomile, immortelle , St. John's wort, birch buds (only one hundred grams) grind.
  2. In a container pour boiling water (half a liter) and pour a mixture of herbs (spoon), left for half an hour.
  3. The composition is filtered, honey is added (st.) And drunk before going to bed for a glass.
  4. The remaining amount is drunk in the morning on an empty stomach, preheated.

Treatment continues until the herbs are exhausted. Repeat the course no earlier than five years.