Essential oils for hair

Essential oils are actively used in cosmetology as a means for treating hair. They have a mass of useful properties, have a pleasant aroma, and therefore have become quite popular means with which you can relax and get chic hair, spending no more than two hours a week.

Since essential oils are many, it is very easy to get confused when choosing to solve a particular problem with the hair. Therefore, before you choose an essential oil for hair, you need to decide which of them are suitable for the fat type, and which - for dry.

Essential Oils for Oily Hair

Essential oils for oily scalp should have a calming effect, since the sebaceous glands are too active. Of course, the treatment of fatty hair should begin with a survey of the hormonal background, but with the help of oils, the formation of sebum can be somewhat reduced.

Essential oil of lavender for hair

Lavender oil is a universal remedy for many problems with hair, if they are of the fat type. This essential oil has a general soothing effect, has a weak antibacterial property and helps to strengthen the hair due to the vitamins contained in it.

Lavender oil is a known remedy for dandruff, which will also help to accelerate hair growth. It is enough only a few times a week to rub it into the scalp to strengthen the hair and correct the work of the sebaceous glands.

Essential oil of lemon for hair

Thanks to the lemon oil, you can strengthen the hair and give them shine in a fairly fast time. This essential oil has a tonic effect that promotes hair growth. It, as everyone knows, contains a large amount of vitamin C, which helps the locks to be elastic, and the hair bulbs are strong, and thanks to this, hair loss is prevented.

Lemon essential oil can be used every time during the washing of the head, adding a few drops to 1 serving of shampoo.

Essential oil of mint for hair

Everyone knows that essential oil of mint calms, and, of course, it is appropriate to use it with oily scalp.

If the hair began to be cut across the entire surface of the hair shaft, it means that it's time to use this essential oil, because it is able to feed the hair, even if it is applied only to the roots of the hair and scalp. The fact is that hair nutrition is a very complex process, and the longer the hair, the more nutrients must be supplied to the hair follicles. Mint oil helps to regulate blood flow in the scalp, so that the hair will receive more nutrition.

It is necessary several times a week to rub essential oil of peppermint into the scalp to get rid of the section of hair along their entire length.

Essential oils for dry hair

Oils for dry hair should have a tonic effect that is enhanced during scalp massage and is very useful for dry hair.

These oils can be applied to the entire surface of the hair, or to the roots: they will not create excessive fat content.

Essential oil of rosemary for hair

Despite the fact that rosemary reduces the secretion of the sebaceous glands, this essential oil can be used for both types of hair. The fact that dry scalp is often prone to sensitivity, so the use of "aggressive" oils can be an erroneous choice. In these cases, it is optimal to use this essential oil, since it can be classified as a neutral effect.

Essential oil of rosemary will soften the skin and at the same time strengthen the hair follicles, if you use it to do a head massage. Also, this oil helps to get rid of dandruff and promotes hair growth.

The convenience of using rosemary oil is that it is light enough and fluid, and therefore it can be easily washed off using a shampoo.

Cinnamon Essential Oil for Hair

Cinnamon - "bright" essential oil, which during the massage has a warming effect. Due to this, the flow of blood to the scalp is strengthened, and the hair is adequately nourished.

Cinnamon is also used to increase the elasticity of hair, if the oil is applied to the entire surface of the hair shafts.

If the hair is cut, then it is worth adding a few drops of cinnamon oil to the shampoo while washing your head, and then a unique fragrance and long, strong hair will become an integral part of the image.