Guessing on the runes to the question

Runes are ancient magical symbols that are used to make amulets and to predict future events. They can be bought in a store, but it's best to make them yourself to nourish them with energy. There are different ways of guessing on the runes, which will provide information about situations in life. Specialists who work with runes assure that each line on them represents a certain vector, and it allows you to get as a result of a certain direction, where you should move properly. It is important to be able to correctly interpret and interpret the meaning of each rune , which you can find here.

Guessing on the runes to the question

First of all, it should be said that trust in the runes is of great importance, since any doubts will cause an incorrect answer to the question. To start predictions is only in a good mood. The presented simple divination helps to obtain detailed information about a specific situation, and even about the future. Take a bag of runes, stirring it, ask a question that should be specific and as clear as possible. After that, take out three runes and lay them in front of you from right to left. After this you can proceed to the interpretation:

  1. Rune # 1 - reveals the essence of the problem or a specific situation. The value of this rune should be taken as the main reason, because of which the problem arose.
  2. Fleece # 2 - recommendations on how to act properly to achieve a specific goal.
  3. Rune # 3 is a description of a possible outcome, that is, an outcome that can be reached because of one's own thoughts and actions.

Fortunetelling on the runes of Odin to the question

One is the supreme god, who was worshiped by the ancient Scandinavians and Germans. Many different legends, rituals and fortune-telling are associated with it. Odin's runes provide a veritable answer to the most important question, which must be serious. Before you start to guess on the runes of Odin, you need to sit in a quiet environment and get rid of unnecessary thoughts so that they do not distract. After this, you should ask the question in your mind. It is important that the answer to it be either positive or negative. The next step is to thoroughly mix the bag with the runes and without looking to get one rune. The answer depends on what position it is in, that is, in a direct or inverted form. A positive answer to the question is a straight rune and vice versa. By the value of the rune itself, you can get extended information.

Guessing on the runes on a complex relationship problem

A huge number of people have problems in their personal lives. Sometimes there are situations that you do not know what to do, so the tips will be very useful. Take a bag of runes and ask a question about your personal life. Then shake it and take any number of runes with your left hand. Without opening your fingers, throw the runes under you. Interpretation should be carried out thus:

Guessing on the runes for the future

To open the curtain of secrecy and look into your future, do the following divination: mix the bag with the runes and lay out three runes in front of you from right to left. The values ​​of fortune telling are as follows:

  1. Fleece # 1 - describes the character, mood and attitude of the fortune-teller to the situation that has developed to date.
  2. Rune # 2 - gives a description of the situation at the time of fortune telling. From the information you can find out about possible problems.
  3. Fleece # 3 is a hint about where to go in order to solve the problem and get what you want.

The meaning of runes can be found in this article.