Viral meningitis - symptoms

Very often meningitis - inflammation of the membrane of the brain tissue - causes viruses that fall directly into the blood of a person. To reduce the risk of complications, it is important to know how the disease begins, and when there is the greatest likelihood of contracting viral meningitis. But first we will find out what causes viral meningitis.

Serous viral meningitis - ways of infection

This ailment is transmitted by airborne droplets, if during a sneeze or cough the patient's saliva gets on the mucous membranes of another person. Accordingly, viral meningitis is transmitted both at a kiss, and at use of one ware.

Viral meningitis is the cause

As medical research shows, meningitis epidemics usually fall on hot summer seasons. This fact is explained by the fact that during this period the seasonal activity of arbovirus and enteroviral infections is manifested, which are the causative agents of meningitis.

In addition, among the causes of the disease is worth noting:

Viral meningitis - incubation period

Usually this stage lasts 2-4 days. During this time, the body temperature rises sharply, sometimes to very high rates (39-40 degrees). The patient is characterized by a feeling of malaise, weakness. There are such early signs of viral meningitis as:

For productive treatment, it is advisable to consult the therapist immediately, as soon as the incubation period of viral meningitis has begun. This will prevent the development of possible complications and significantly reduce the time of treatment.

Viral meningitis - symptoms

This disease is accompanied by a sore throat, cough and runny nose. Because of the increased body temperature, drowsiness, some disturbance of consciousness, delirium are often. Depending on the work of the human immune system, this state is periodically replaced by anxiety and increased excitement.

Practically from the first day after infection the patient suffers from intense headaches , which do not cease even after taking analgesic drugs. Sometimes such a syndrome provokes vomiting, loss of consciousness, painful perception of the environment in the form of such irritants as bright light and noise. In addition, there is an increased sensitivity of the skin to mechanical effects of various kinds. The most convenient position for the victim is the posture: lying on his side, knees bent in the joints and brought to the stomach, hands are pressed to the chest, and the head is thrown back.

Also among the symptoms of viral meningitis is worth noting the rigidity of the cervical extensor group of muscles. It is difficult for a person to turn and tilt his head due to overexertion, such characteristic signs appear:

Forecast of treatment of viral meningitis

As a rule, with all the instructions of the treating specialist and regular admission of prescribed medications, the temperature is normalized after 3-5 days. Complete recovery occurs approximately 10 days after the start of therapy, less often - 14 days.

It should be noted that meningitis can be prevented by vaccination. It is active for 3 years after administration.