How to develop a child in 2 years?

By the time the baby is two years old, he already has a huge number of different skills and, besides, is completely independent. Despite this, he also needs developing games and classes with parents and other close adults, during which he gets acquainted with new subjects and concepts, improves previously acquired skills, extends active vocabulary and so on.

Certainly, developing classes with such a small child should not resemble boring and lengthy lessons, because the crumb still very quickly gets tired. In addition, two-year-olds are much better at absorbing information submitted in a playful form, so you need to develop your child during interesting and exciting games.

In this article, we will tell you how to properly develop a child in 2 years at home and on the street, and what developing games and activities are best for children at this age.

How to develop children after 2 years?

To your son or daughter to develop fully and multifaceted, include the following elements in the program of games and classes with him:

  1. Although the two-year-old child is still relatively small, he is already able to distinguish between the concepts of "one" and "many", so you need to pay attention to how many different items on the picture or on the table during any games. With this approach at the time of execution, crumb 3 years, it will accurately determine in which group more specific things, and in what less, and also learn to count to four or more.
  2. To develop the fine motor skills of the fingers, thinking and logic of the child at the age of two, one should constantly offer him various sorts. Let the kid learn to divide a large number of objects into small groups in colors, shape, size, type, and so on. All this, of course, is very useful for the brain of a young child and is always useful in the future.
  3. A child older than 2 years can be suggested to fold a puzzle or a split image, although such games do not always cause interest in such small children. It is also very useful to collect a picture from cubes. If krohe likes to add different patterns, buy or make your own cubes Nikitin's cubes "Fold the pattern" and daily deal with your child, gradually complicating the tasks.
  4. For the development of attention and the ability to concentrate it, any games that aim at finding objects are suitable , especially since they can be held in any situation, including on the street or in line at the polyclinic. Ask the crumb to find a dog, a pussy, a red car and so on or show all the objects of a certain shape or color. The child will definitely enjoy the fascinating search and affectionate praise of his mother, so he will never give up such a game.
  5. This game can also be complicated. When the kid learns to accurately determine what object is in front of him, ask him to pick up a pair for him.

  6. Do not forget the importance of creative pursuits. Be sure to encourage the desire to draw crumbs, sculpt from plasticine and salted dough, do appliques and more.
  7. Also in 2 years it is necessary to develop the child's speech and do it as often as possible. Constantly talk with your child, ask him questions, read fairy tales and poems, sing songs to him, guess the simplest riddles and so on. Finally, for the development of the speech of a two-year-old baby, various finger games are very important.

How to develop a hyperactive child 2 years old?

To develop a hyperactive child in 2-2,5 years is exactly the same as for any other, however, in the program of training with it it is necessary to include as many elements as possible, aimed at developing motor skills, because this will help him to lose the energy accumulated during the day and to calm down a bit.

Teach your child to jump on two legs, catch a ball thrown by you, toss it up, walk on a long board, keep balance, dance, carry large-sized but not heavy objects from place to place, climb through a tunnel, walk on hands with the support of adults and etc.

Although this karapuz is not able to sit in one place for long, do not give up the developing and creative activities at the table. Invite the child to work out every 2-3 hours, but the duration of one "lesson" reduce to 5-10 minutes.