Cordon Blue - recipes for a delicious French dish

Cordon Blue is a recipe for Swiss and French cuisine, traditionally involving the baking of meat fillets with cheese and ham in breading. The classical variation of the dish has a lot of different interpretations, the main ones of which are presented later in the material.

How to prepare a cordon blu?

Prepare schnitzel cordon blue, having at hand the right recommendations, anyone can easily. The main thing is to choose the necessary products and adhere to the subtleties of technology that will become decisive for obtaining the desired result.

  1. The basis of the dish can be chicken or turkey fillet, pork carrot or veal fillet.
  2. When choosing cheese, it is necessary to give preference to fragrant varieties with a pronounced sweet taste: emmental, gruyer, raclette.
  3. The ham should ideally be smoked or boiled-smoked, soft, but not chopped.

Cordon Blue is a classic recipe

Cordon Blues - the original recipe of which can be found in both Swiss and French cuisine, often prepared in the form of stuffed with cheese and ham veal schnitzel. The products are dipped in a beaten egg, in flour and breadcrumbs, after which they are fried on both sides until cooked and ruddy in the heated oil.



  1. Meat is cut into strata, each of which is beaten.
  2. For one half of the layer put on a slice of ham and cheese, cover the second half.
  3. Dip products in a mixture of flour, salt and pepper, and then in the egg and breadcrumbs, spread out in preheated oil.
  4. After browning the blanks, pour water, cover the container with a lid and tense the cordon with blue cheese and ham for 45 minutes.

Recipe for a cordon of blue chicken fillet

Decorating a cordon of chicken will take the same amount of time as veal, but you can save on heat treatment. The products from the breast of the poultry breast will be ready immediately after roasting from both sides and will not require additional fretting under the lid even when using a whole fillet.



  1. The fillets are cut along in the form of a pocket, beat off, salted, peppered.
  2. They put ham and cheese into the incision, and they floss with a toothpick.
  3. Dip the billets in flour, egg, and then in breadcrumbs.
  4. Cordon blue is a recipe, where as a result the products are browned in oil on both sides.

Cordon blue is a recipe in the oven

Cordon blue is a recipe that can be realized not only in a frying pan, but also in the oven. With such a preparation, the dish is deprived of undesirable for many fat content and becomes more useful. Formed products in the form of schnitzels or rolls, after which they are baked in the form with the addition of water or as in this case broth with oil.



  1. The fillet is cut into strata, beaten off under a film, salted, peppered.
  2. For each layer put on a slice of ham and cheese and fold with rolls.
  3. Pan out the cordon rolls in flour, dipped in an egg, roll in breadcrumbs.
  4. Lay the workpieces in a mold, add bits of butter and broth.
  5. Bake a cordon in the oven for 30 minutes at 200 degrees.

Blue cordon with ham and cheese - recipe

Cordon blues, the authentic recipe of which involves a combination of loin meat with smoked ham and Swiss cheese, can be decorated in a budget variation using chopped ham and available Russian or Dutch cheese. To give more refined notes, chunks of ham are browned in oil.



  1. Cut the fillets into strata, beat off, flavor with salt and pepper.
  2. The ham is fried in oil, put on top, sprinkled with grated cheese and greens and rolled products with rolls.
  3. Dip the billets in flour, egg and breadcrumbs.
  4. Fry the cordon of blue with ham and cheese in oil from all sides on a moderate fire.

Chicken rolls blue cordon in creamy sauce

Especially delicious dish is obtained when decorating it with a creamy sauce . In this version, you can make products from chicken, veal or pork - only the time of heat treatment of blanks will differ, which will need to be extruded to softness more or less, depending on the type of meat used.



  1. Fillet cut in half, beaten, seasoned.
  2. Put on each slice of ham and cheese, fold with rolls and chop with a toothpick.
  3. Mix 3 tablespoons of flour with paprika and salt, dipped in a mixture of billet, fry in oil.
  4. The cream is mixed with the rest of the flour, wine, greens, poured into a frying pan.
  5. Stew the rolls of cordon blue in cream sauce for 30 minutes.

Pork cordon blue - recipe

To make cordon from pork, you need a pork chop without pits, which you need to cut into slices across the fibers of a thickness of 1.5-2 cm. In the resulting blanks make a longitudinal pocket, after which they beat off under the film carefully and carefully to preserve the integrity of the layers.



  1. Prepare pork, salt, pepper.
  2. In the pockets put ham and cheese, chip toothpicks.
  3. Dip products in flour, beaten egg, and then in breadcrumbs and fry in oil until a ruddy crust on both sides.

Cordon blue turkey

As already mentioned above, a cordon of blue with ham and cheese can be made from any meat, and a turkey is no exception. To implement the idea of ​​using a bird fillet breast, which is cut into strata up to two centimeters thick and slightly beaten. If desired, the meat can be pre-marinated with the addition of garlic and spices.



  1. In the layers of meat, cross sections are made, flavored with salt, spices, garlic, poured with oil and left for a day.
  2. Fill the pockets with ham and cheese, chop with toothpicks, fry in oil.
  3. Add wine, mustard and cream to the frying pan, season with sauce.
  4. Lay meat with stuffing in a mold, pour a creamy mixture and bake at 200 degrees 20-30 minutes.

Cordon blue with minced meat

Cordon blue, a simple recipe of which will be described below, can be considered a lazy variation of traditional foods. In this case, the products are made from minced meat as a cutlet with filling or zrazes and save the housewives a significant fraction of the time. In addition, the option will please those who are eager to get soft and delicate products.



  1. From the seasoned forcemeat decorate cakes and fill them with slices of ham with cheese chips.
  2. Seal the filling inside, dipped the billets in flour, egg, breadcrumbs.
  3. Fry the cordon of blue chicken meat in a mixture of two types of oils to rudeness.

Blue cordon with mushrooms

Cordon blu in a frying pan, designed in the light of the recommendations below, will please the mushroom fans. Champignons or other representatives of the mushroom kingdom, prepared properly, are fried with onions, crushed and used to decorate the filling with ham and cheese.



  1. The fillet is cut along, forming a pocket, seasoned with salt, pepper, seasonings.
  2. Fry the mushrooms with onions, grind, mix after cooling with cheese chips, ketchup, parsley and chopped ham.
  3. Fill the pockets with pockets, chop with a toothpick, dipped in flour, egg and breadcrumbs fry in oil.