Euphorbia: Care

A large number of diverse plants includes a family of euphorbia. Among them there are trees of tropical forests, and low-growing grasses, and lianas, and shrubs with spines. Approximately 450 species of plants belonging to this genus are succulents, so they are often confused with cacti.

A distinctive feature is the viscous, white juice of the milkweed, which is released when the plant is damaged. Often it contains poisonous substances and can cause a burn if it gets on the mucous membranes or skin. When working with plants of this family, it is desirable to use gloves in order to protect themselves from the negative effects of juice, which in the past was used by African tribes in the production of poisonous arrowheads.

Types of milkweed

It is difficult to say what the spurge looks like, the variety of species is amazing, and they can differ significantly among themselves. It can be said with accuracy that all species have an erect stalk with a large number of shoots, and some species can reach 3 meters in height. The most common types of milkweed, which can often be found in homes and apartments, are puansettia, beyloid, triangular milkweed. Despite the diversity of plant species belonging to the milkweed, it is possible to single out general rules for the maintenance and care of the plant.

How to care for milk?

The house flower of spurge may be of various shapes and sizes, so take care enough of the place for the pot with it. Mindful of the toxicity of the milk of the milkweed, it is better to place it so that children or animals can not inadvertently suffer from the flower. Any spurge loves the light and does not suffer from direct sunlight, whereas in the lack of lighting, the spurge, the species of which belong to the variegated, will lose the brightness of the colors. Suitable for milk temperature is 20 ° C, but some species can survive a short-term temperature drop to 4-5 ° C without loss. In the spring-autumn period, watering should be moderate, and in winter, and at all minimal, so that the soil can dry out completely. Spraying is optional, but is permissible in the particularly hot months of summer. The euphorbia turns yellow on drafts, so make sure that the plant is in the place where the air mobility is minimal. To clean the leaves of dust, it is better to use a brush to avoid contact with the poisonous leaves of the milkweed.

How to care for milk, you already know, it remains only to say that this plant does not require an annual transplant. Once in two years, you can transplant the spurge into a more spacious pot, using a primer for succulents, which has at least one third of the sand in its composition. At the bottom of the pot must be a drainage system, this is suitable pebbles or several pieces of broken bricks. When transplanting, you should also use gloves, because the poisonous juice is able to secrete all parts of the plant, and not just the leaves and stem.

To reproduce the milkweed the best solution will be cuttings. Cut them best at the end of spring, the cuttings must be allowed to drain, and then cut the cuttings with charcoal and allow it to dry properly for 2-3 days. After this, it is possible to plant the cuttings in a special soil with a high content of sand. For the time of rooting, do not expose the plant to excessive sun exposure, and ground should be kept moisturized.

With proper care, the spurge will bloom annually, pleasing you with beautiful colors of unusual shape, connected to the inflorescence.