Flower beds from petunia

To decorate the street, yard and even the facade interior, beautiful and unpretentious flowers are often used - petunias. They are immutable inhabitants of flower beds, flower beds, flowers, as well as balconies, vases and windows. Petunias decorate the streets and houses with their fragrant cascades of various shades and colors from the end of spring and to the first autumn frosts.

These flowers belong to the genus of perennial herbaceous semishrubs. They can reach a height of one meter. The birthplace of petunia is South America. Despite the fact that petunia is a perennial plant, it is often used as an annual plant.

Petunia care

These flowers like warmth and lots of light, so you can often see flowerbeds of petunias on sunny open spaces. The larger the plant flower, the more heat it needs for full bloom. If the weather is cold and damp, the petunias usually cease to bloom. Soil for these plants is best to choose loam or sandy loam, but on any other fertile soil petunia feels good. If petunia grows on the flowerbed, then it should be watered often in the summer, and twice a month it is necessary to feed organic or mineral fertilizers. To beautiful flower beds of petunias for a long time pleased with flowering, a week after their landing and until the end of August they should be regularly fed (once every 8-10 days). If the flower bed of petunias has grown abundantly, then in spring it is necessary to cut each plant half.

Care for petunia in flowerpots, pots, hanging baskets or balcony boxes is more thorough. The substrate, consisting of humus, sand, leaf, turf, peat, should be water-absorbing and friable. If the flowers are planted in containers or boxes, then drainage can not be dispensed with. The layer of gravel or expanded clay should be no less than five centimeters.

Preparation of seedlings

Before you make a flower bed, you need to grow petunia seedlings from seeds in containers. Terry varieties are propagated by cuttings, because only half of the plants obtained from the seeds are terry. In these containers, plants can be placed quite tightly, up to 70 colors per square meter. Regular feeding, frequent spraying, copious watering, the use of growth stimulators guarantees a high result. Grow petunias for the subsequent design of flowerbeds better in open space, but during rain containers should be hidden under a canopy so that tender petals are not torn.

Decoration of the flower bed

Compliance with the special rules of the decoration of the flower bed does not require petunia. In pre-mulch ground at a distance of 10 to 30 centimeters (depending on the size of the flower), plant the seedlings. The depth of disembarkation also depends on the variety. If petunia is multiflorous, then the depth of planting is 15 centimeters, for large-flowered varieties - about 25 centimeters, and for petunia petunia - all 30 centimeters.

Original petunia in the interior of the garden or urban landscaping looks combined with a number of other plants. If the planting is carpeted, then the best neighbors of petunia are begonia, always flowering, koleus, lobularia, irisinum, cineraria. Urban flower beds look great when planting petunias along with flying - verbena, lion's pharynx, marigolds, helichrysomes bracteate, gillyflowers, ageratums and other flowers that match the height and color for this variety.

Spectacular views of the beds are petunias, planted in early summer, along with primroses, charming pansies, as well as spring grouse, hyacinth, tulips. When neighbors fade, petunia continues to flaunt against the background of later lilies, irises. If the club is located near the pond, the petunia's excellent neighbors will be the daylilies, hosts, ornamental grains and the Virgin Tradescantia.