Pollinosis in children

Parents often take pollinosis in children for the symptoms of a common cold . However, diligent treatment of such a "cold" results does not give, because the nature of the pollination is different. This disease, quite common for our latitudes, is an allergic reaction to pollen.

Symptoms of pollinosis in children, as well as in adults, are manifested by sneezing, itching in the nose and eyes, broken breathing, runny nose, lacrimation and swelling of the eyelids. These symptoms are manifested both individually and collectively. If the diagnosis is incorrect, complications can occur in the form of inflammation of the bronchi, coughing, wheezing and shortness of breath - so the bronchial haymass asthma makes itself known. Sometimes pollinosis provokes the development of allergic dermatitis, Quincke's edema or urticaria.

Most often, six to fourteen children are at risk, but today doctors diagnose pollinosis in children who do not have a year.

«Pollinosis calendar»

Symptoms of this insidious and dangerous disease manifest themselves clearly during the flowering of some plants, to the pollen of which the baby's organism shows high sensitivity. Allergists have created a calendar with which parents can prevent the exacerbation of pollinosis, protecting the baby from contact with allergens. For the central strip of the country, it looks like this:

Having studied the calendar, it will be easier for parents in certain periods not to let the baby contact the allergens. Of course, you will not be able to completely avoid the influence of pollen scattered in the air, but you will know which parks and parks to walk temporarily for a walk are not worth it.

Treatment of Pollinosis

Diagnosis of pollinosis is based on the collection of anamnesis of the child, examination and special research methods. First of all, the baby should be shown to the allergist as soon as possible. After allergodiagnostics specialist will appoint competent treatment of pollinosis. In children, the symptoms of this disease manifest themselves in different ways, so you may need to consult other specialists. Clearly, than to treat the pollinosis in children, it is impossible, because the treatment is a complex program, including diet therapy, a number of elimination activities, specific and drug therapy.

Parents help

The fact that the child should be protected from the influence of allergens has already been said. In addition, parents should ensure that the body of the baby during the walk was as much as possible hidden under the clothes. After a walk, be sure to wash the baby, rinse his throat and nose, change his clothes. Every day in the apartment, do a wet cleaning.

At exacerbations the antihistamine medicines registered by the doctor are useful. Manifestations of pollinosis in children are well eliminated by corticosteroids and preparations of cromoglycic acid (tablets, nasal sprays, skin ointments, aerosols and eye drops). After three years of age, children are prescribed an allergen-specific Immunotherapy, which is effective during periods of remission. In small doses, allergens are introduced into the body, and the body eventually loses sensitivity to them.

Treatment of pollinosis in toddlers and older children is a must! Otherwise, the child's body will eventually react more sharply to other allergens. Rhinitis will pass into bronchial asthma , and the symptoms will be more and more difficult to manifest. Self-treatment with pollinosis is a utopia! The right diet, an individual approach, allergen therapy is the salvation from this disease, and the allergist doctor is your best assistant who will develop a scheme of effective treatment.