Why does not the Kalanchoe blossom?

One of the most common flowers, cultivated by amateur growers, is Kalanchoe. This decorative plant with bright scarlet, pink, burgundy, yellow and white inflorescences and carved rather large leaves adorns many apartments and houses. Abundant flowering Kalanchoe at home can last from a month to six months. In addition, the Kalanchoe is a medicinal plant, which makes it especially valuable in the eyes of lovers of indoor flowers.

Although the indoor plant is rather unpretentious and painlessly reacts to irregular watering and temperature changes, sometimes the decorative Kalanchoe does not bloom. Even more often there is a situation when a plant bought in a special shop is literally strewn with flowers, but in the future the owner of the plant notices that the Kalanchoe has ceased to bloom. Let's try to find out why the Kalanchoe does not blossom and what to do in the absence of flowers, how to make a Kalanchoe blossom?

The reasons for the absence of flowers on the Kalanchoe are different:

Violation of the lighting mode

It should be borne in mind that the homeland of the Kalanchoe is the tropics, where the light day is 12 hours a year. A light day in the temperate zone in winter is only 5-6 hours. So, in autumn and winter the plant needs additional lighting, so that a 12-hour light day is provided.

Violation of the temperature regime

In the cold season, when flower buds are usually formed, the air temperature in the apartments is quite high, and the optimum for flowering Kalanchoe is a temperature of 16-18 degrees. Therefore, it is reasonable to place an ornamental plant for the winter in a sufficiently cool place, for example, on a warmed loggia, where the air temperature corresponds to the required parameters.

Unsuitable soil composition

For the content of Kalanchoe, ready-made soils suitable for succulents are perfectly suitable. The mixture for planting the plant can be prepared independently, taking sod land, leafy soil, peat and sand in a ratio of 4: 2: 1: 1. Like any succulent plant , Kalanchoe prefers neutral or slightly acidic soils. For abundant flowering, the flower needs additional fertilizing.

Irrigation violation

Proceeding from the fact that Kalanchoe is a plant of deserts and semi-deserts, abundant and frequent watering is contraindicated. In the spring and summer, the Kalanchoe is watered 2 times a week, and in the autumn-winter period, not more than once a week. Spray the plant only if the weather is hot. However, the loss of leaflets signals the drying out of the Kalanchoe.

Measures taken to ensure the flowering of Kalanchoe

To start to prepare a plant for a new flowering is necessary immediately after the flowering period is over. To do this, remove the old peduncles, cut off excess shoots. It is necessary to pinch off the top leaves on a little grown up young shoots on time. Repeated prischipku should be done after the appearance on new shoots of the third pair of leaves. Thanks to all these procedures, a lush bush is formed. Before flowering do the last prischipku. Lovers of indoor plants are interested in the question, how often does Kalanchoe blossom? A healthy plant usually blooms not less than 2 times a year. In order to ensure repeated flowering, in autumn it is better to place the flower on a window facing south, and in winter and spring it should be located on the west or east window.

If the Kalanchoe has ceased to bloom for no apparent reason, it needs to arrange a "shock therapy". To do this, cover it with cover material, and, placing it in a dark place, hold for 3 weeks without watering. After that, the plant returned to its original place must be fertilized with fertilizer. Kalanchoe, like any houseplant, with the right, caring care is sure to please abundant and long flowering.