Sperm composition

Have you ever wondered what the male sperm consists of? And in vain! The composition of this genetic material is very interesting and includes more than 30 components.

What does sperm consist of?

It turns out that the chemical composition of male sperm is determined by the content of zinc, potassium, copper, sulfur, magnesium and potassium. High presence of vitamins B12 and C. All these elements that are contained in semen are extremely important for the health of men. In addition, sperm contains prostatic secretions that can stimulate the expansion of blood vessels and muscle contraction. In male sperm there is also citric acid. However, despite this, sperm has an alkaline environment.

In principle, the spermatozoa themselves make up only 3% of all components contained in the sperm. With repeated intercourse, the number of spermatozoa in each subsequent portion decreases. Therefore, the main components, from which male sperm is formed, can be considered the fluid of seminal vesicles and the secret of the prostate gland.

What determines the color, density and smell of sperm?

The appearance of the sperm and its odor depends on several factors. Among them: heredity, features of the menu, the presence of diseases of the genitourinary system and hormonal background. So, healthy sperm differs transparent grayish-white color. If the color of the sperm changes to yellow, you should contact a urologist and undergo a medical examination. The color change can be caused by the presence of blood or purulent discharge.

The smell of sperm is also individual, like the smell of every person. For example, the sperm of a man of oriental nationality smells sharper than the sperm of a European. Sometimes, connoisseurs of perfume claim that the sperm smell of chestnuts and the smell varies depending on the conditions from fresh, reminiscent of incense, to dramatically-unpleasant. However, people differently perceive the same smell. But, if the partner says that the sperm smells extremely unpleasant, although up to this point the smell has not caused concern, it is better to be examined for urogenital infections.

The density of sperm is determined by the speed with which it flows. Fresh sperm has a viscosity at room temperature in the range of 1.3 - 23.3 cP. It all depends on the individual characteristics. In addition, often ejaculating male sperm is more watery.

What affects the amount and quality of sperm?

On average, the amount of sperm that follows one ejaculation is 3 grams. The indicator can vary from 2 to 4 grams. Moreover, abstinence can increase the amount of semen by about 0.4 grams. In one serving, a healthy male with normal potency contains 70 to 80 million spermatozoa.

What affects the amount of sperm is the inadequate content of vitamin C in the diet. Reduce the amount and quality of alcohol and drug dependence, as well as, smoking. Often, to reduce the potency and quality of sperm lead anabolic drugs used by bodybuilders to build muscle relief.

Another factor that determines the volume of sperm is the profession of a man. It is known that working with paint and varnish materials reduces potency and impairs the quality and quantity of sperm. The mobility of spermatozoa depends even on the season. The maximum concentration of active germ cells is observed in the autumn-winter period, from October to February. Therefore, it is in these months that the likelihood of conceiving a desired child is greatest. By the way, most often, during this period become pregnant by boys.