Eye cancer

Eye cancer is a rare type of cancer. However, this diagnosis sounds quite menacing because of the fact that often patients with this pathology are treated too late for medical care when it is considered incurable. This is due to the fact that the disease for a long time can occur almost asymptomatically.

Causes of eye cancer

As with other types of cancer, there are no reliable reasons for the development of eye cancer. There are only a number of risk factors that increase the likelihood of the onset of the disease:

Types of eye cancer

At the site of localization, the following types of eye cancers are classified:

Tumors of the eye are divided into the following types:

Symptoms of eye cancer

Signs of eye cancer are determined by a variety of malignant formation and its localization:

1. Retinal cancer is detected by progressive strabismus, the presence of intense pain. In the subsequent retinal detachment, the ability to see is completely lost.

2. In cancer of the conjunctiva, there is a progressive increase in the tumor, which may be a nodule, an outgrowth, or a dense whitish film.

3. Cancer of the choroid begins with a decrease in vision, the appearance of dark spots on the iris, changes in the shape of the pupil. In the future there are pains, the retina begins to exfoliate, an extubulbar node is formed, the eye protrudes and loses mobility.

4. The main signs of orbital cancer are as follows:

5. In case of cancer of the eyelid, thickening and papillomatous growths on conjunctiva of pinkish color are formed. In the future, an ulcer, possibly a shift in the eye.

Treatment of eye cancer

The main methods of treatment for this pathology are:

If the size of the tumor is large, complete removal of the eyeball is possible with subsequent prosthetics. The probability of successful treatment with minimal consequences is higher the earlier it was started.