Badger's fat - medicinal properties

Badger's fat (badger fat) has unique healing properties that are used to combat a variety of diseases.

Medicine argues that the use of badger fat is especially effective for strengthening children's immunity , as the product is saturated with a lot of nutrients.

Badger fat composition

It should be noted right away that the product has a high level of vitamins and biologically active substances, which have a beneficial effect on the human body.

  1. Vitamin A is found in it, helping to maintain youth, firming nails, teeth, hair.
  2. The composition of the product contains vitamins B and PP, normalizing the activity of the cardiovascular and nervous system, helping to relieve stress and depressive conditions.
  3. It contains folic acid, which positively influences brain activity, which reduces the risk of heart attacks and strokes.

In addition, it contains organic acids and a set of macro and micronutrients useful for human health, as well as polyunsaturated fatty acids that help regulate blood cholesterol levels.

Useful properties of badger fat

  1. Badger fat helps to inhibit the formation of cancer cells; its use protects the body from cancer.
  2. Adopting fat badger prevents aging of the body, promotes skin rejuvenation.
  3. The preparation has an anti-inflammatory effect, it normalizes the activity of the gastrointestinal tract, regulates the exchange of protein in the body, and also has a beneficial effect on the circulatory system.
  4. Badger lard is used as a cough drug. It is effective in combating the tubercle bacillus, it has a high preventive effect. The properties of the drug aimed at strengthening the immune system and increasing the body's resistance to various diseases are noted.
  5. It is also used to treat bronchitis, bronchial asthma. At the same time, to achieve the desired effect, you need to know how to take badger fat. As a rule, take it for 15 or 30 days. For adults - 1 tablespoon twice a day for half an hour before meals; for children - 1 teaspoon - according to the same scheme.

Badger's fat has repeatedly confirmed its healing properties, the question naturally arises whether there are contraindications to this drug. There are different opinions on this matter. Some argue that he has virtually no contraindications. Others argue that, despite this, it is necessary with caution and after consulting a doctor to take those who suffer from cholelithiasis, pancreatitis, pancreatic diseases.