Inflammation of the tendon of the knee joint

The tendons of the knee joint, looking like thick fibrous ropes, hold the muscles together with the bones, hold the joint and direct its movements in the desired direction. They are part of the knee, and with motor activity take on the highest burden. Inflammation of tendons of the knee joint is most typical for people over forty, athletes, as well as those whose work is associated with increased strain on the knees.

Symptoms of inflammation of the tendon of the knee

The following signs are observed:

Treatment of inflammation of the tendon of the knee joint

The treatment is administered after diagnosis, including often ultrasound, X-rays. The main treatment activities can include:

With uncomplicated inflammation of the tendon of the knee joint, treatment can be supplemented with folk remedies (after consulting a doctor). For example, for the elimination of pain and the removal of the inflammatory process, folk medicine advises daily use of at least 0.5 g of turmeric as a seasoning for dishes.

In severe cases, surgery may be required.

Can I treat the inflammation of the knee sinew of ALMAG?

ALMAG is a device for performing magnetotherapy procedures, which is allowed to be used in the home. According to the instructions, this device has a beneficial effect on inflammation of the tendons, therefore it can be used as part of complex therapy.