Uterine dysplasia

Uterine dysplasia is a condition characterized by changes in the structure and functioning of the mucous membrane of the cervix, which under certain conditions can cause uterine cancer.

If the changes are noticed in the early stages, then the situation can be changed through appropriate treatment.

Types of dysplasia

Depending on the depth of changes that occurred in the mucosa, three degrees (severity level) of dysplasia are distinguished.

  1. Dysplasia of 1 degree or mild dysplasia is characterized by the fact that the proportion of altered cells accounts for only 30% of the thickness of the mucosa. This type of dysplasia can occur spontaneously in 70-90% of cases.
  2. Dysplasia of 2 degrees or moderate dysplasia suggests that the modified cells of the uterine mucosa account for 60-70% of the thickness of the endometrium. This type of dysplasia without treatment is only in 50% of cases. In 20% of patients she is reborn 3 degree of dysplasia, and another 20% - causes cancer.
  3. Dysplasia of grade 3 (non-invasive cancer) or severe degree of cervical dysplasia is a condition where the entire thickness of the mucosa is occupied by altered cells.

Symptoms of dysplasia of the uterus

As a rule, a woman can not independently detect dysplasia, because the disease proceeds without any special symptoms. Usually a microbial infection joins the dysplasia, causing symptoms similar to manifestations of cervicitis or colpitis. This: burning, itching, discharge from the vagina. Painful sensations in dysplasia are usually absent.

Therefore, this disease can be detected only by clinical examination and according to laboratory data. In addition, for the diagnosis of colposcopy, hysteroscopy.

How to treat dysplasia of the uterus?

For the treatment of cervical dysplasia apply:

At the first and second degrees of dysplasia, the lesion of rather small areas of mucous and small age to the patient, the physicians use wait and see tactics, observing the condition of the mucosa and its changes, since in this case the probability that dysplasia will disappear by itself is high enough.