Why can not eat with a knife?

We have received a large number of signs that are associated with various life phenomena. Now we will figure out one superstitious ban, why one should not eat with a knife and what such an action can lead to. In general, there are several variations of the interpretation of this sign , which appeared at different times. Firstly, it simply looks ugly and according to etiquette such an action is simply unacceptable. Secondly, a knife is a dangerous object that can injure a tongue, and it will be very long to heal such a wound.

Why can not you eat with a knife?

Knives played a big role in different cultures. Often they are used for rituals and for making amulets, so it is not surprising that many different signs are associated with it. One of them has a direct connection with the magic value of the knife, since this object represents a destructive force. In ancient times, knives were used for hunting, previously depicting the image of the animal, thereby condemning it to death.

Most often superstition, why one can not eat with a knife, is explained by the fact that a person becomes evil. Some believe that in this way he admits the devil into his life. Our ancestors believed that people who often eat from a sharp blade can spoil relations with people around them, that is, "be with them at their knives." Another frequently used interpretation is due to the fact that the sharp part of the blade negatively affects the person's aura. When a man licks a blade, he cuts the aura and makes it weaker, so the person becomes unprotected before negative energy. After this, there may be various ailments, mood jumps, depression may develop. Esoterics, who use this interpretation, recommend, as far as possible, to avoid using a knife. For example, the quantity "at the tip of the knife" is replaced with a pinch or you use a spoon.

Among women there is an explanation for this superstition, if there is a knife, then the husband can become an alcoholic or start walking to the left. Some people explain the sign, why you can not lick the knife, the fact that a person can get a heart or stomach. Also, there is an opinion that thus a person loses his mind and becomes stupid.

Skeptics are sure that such superstitions were specially invented to wean a man from a knife so that he does not get injured. Believe it or not, everyone's right, but the fact that the knife is a dangerous object is a fact.