Working with objections in sales

What is the most difficult thing about a sales manager? Convince the buyer that he needs this particular product or service. And most often inexperienced sellers are stymied by the objections of customers, they simply do not know how to respond to such statements. As a result, the buyer leaves, and acquires a similar product from another, more skilful negotiator. Therefore, it is necessary to know how to work with customer objections in sales.

Reasons and types of objections

Before starting the fight with objections, it is necessary to understand what they are called and to what type they belong, that is, to try to understand the potential buyer better. If this is not done, then work with objections in sales will not be successful.

By and large, the reason for objections is only one - the client does not like something in your offer. And here are the options: either the client is dissatisfied with the proposed conditions, or he simply does not understand what your product (service) is better than what he is used to buying.

Types of objections, too, are two - categorical and unfounded. At categorical objections of the client do not suit your conditions - the price, terms, quality, etc. In this case, the buyer expresses his dissatisfaction in a sharp form. A sample of a categorical objection: "What are you imposing on me! I take the same thing much cheaper. " In 80% of cases, such objections arise because of an incorrectly formulated proposal. Therefore, work with customer objections should begin with the preparation of the presentation of the product (service), it is necessary to find its advantages over existing analogues and correctly present them. 20% of cases of categorical objections are due to the client's desire to bargain.

An unreasonable objection arises when the client does not possess all the completeness of the information and explains his refusal by rather questionable arguments. Examples of such objections:

  1. Several years ago he worked with you, was dissatisfied.
  2. They say that you have delivery problems.
  3. Surely in two months you will raise the price.
  4. The goods are good and I would take it if it had ... ".

Working with such objections in sales is even easier, because here the client himself understands that his arguments are not convincing. Therefore, to direct the buyer's thoughts in the right direction will be quite simple. Although there are cases when the client can not substantiate his point of view, but your persuasion does not lend itself. Perhaps he is friends with his supplier, so only super-beneficial conditions can convince him to go to your side. There is also the option that the one you are persuading is the haulier.

After the reasons and type of objections are established, you can proceed to combat them.

Technique of answering objections

Naturally, each situation can not be considered, therefore, there are a number of rules that must be followed to successfully overcome objections.

  1. Treat the client as a partner, not an opponent. Many managers subconsciously perceive communication with the buyer as a struggle. The result, as you see, is pitiable. In fact, the objection should be rejoiced, because so to you the client himself gives the opportunity to dispel his fears. It will be much worse if a person leaves, promising to think about the proposal.
  2. Establish emotional contact with the client. If the buyer trusts you, then it will be easier to agree with your arguments, and less will object.
  3. Try to learn more about the needs of the client. This will help you to present the goods exactly as the buyer needs.
  4. Clarify the meaning of the objection. A person can complain about a high price for various reasons: he may not have enough money to buy the goods, or maybe he just saw the same goods at a cheaper price. And if you find a secured person insolvent and will offer him a cheaper product, you can offend and lose the client.
  5. Look for hidden motives. For example, an objection in the form of a complaint about the high cost of goods may be the buyer's uncertainty in the supplier (model). Therefore, you need to ask additional questions: "For you, price is the determining factor", "You are not satisfied with only the cost." Usually answering these questions, customers share their real doubts.
  6. Do not argue with the client, but direct his thought in the right direction. The more you persuade the client, the more he will believe in the correctness of his own doubts. Therefore, agree with him, and immediately give your arguments. For example, "Yes, you are right, but at the same time ....".
  7. Be persuasive. Develop imagery thinking, learn to use metaphors, proverbs and sayings in a conversation. So it will be easier for you to convey your message to the client.

And in conclusion, one outstanding seller once said: "An objection is not a dead end, but a ladder leading to a sale."