
The Malaysian province of Sabah is home to the oldest Sepilok Orphanage Sanctuary (Orang Utan Sanctuary), a rehab center for orangutans (Pongo pygmaeus) that has been harmed by human hands.

general information

Sapilok was founded in 1964 and is located on the territory with mangrove groves and tropical rain forests. It is protected by the state and various organizations (Kabili Sepilok Forest Reserve). The area of ​​the center is 43 square meters. km. The staff of the institution provide the primate with medical assistance, help them to adapt in natural conditions and teach life on the outside.

The number of orang-utans residing in the center varies from 60 to 80 individuals. Adult animals move freely throughout the territory of Sepilok, and the kids are in a special nursery. Small orangutans are trained by monkeys who have already undergone rehabilitation. They replace orphans with their mothers and transfer their skills to the younger generation.

Workers of the center strictly follow the development and state of primates. For example, orangutans are given a monotonous meal (bananas and milk) so that they learn how to procure food on their own. Those who are completely healthy and adapted to life are released to freedom. This process takes up to 7 years. Monkeys, who have not adapted to the wild nature, are left in the nursery forever. Very often such animals are those that were kept in domestic zoos or subjected to violence.

Behavior rules

When visiting Sepilok tourists should follow certain rules:

What to do during the tour?

During the tour visitors can:

  1. Observe the process of feeding primates in a specially equipped place for this. This happens 2 times a day (10:00, 15:00). Gibbons, langurs and macaques also come for food.
  2. See how little monkeys learn to climb trees and play each other on playgrounds. For a fee you will be allowed to feed the cubs.
  3. View in Szepiloka scientific-cognitive films about the behavior and lifestyle of monkeys, how they are caught and killed by poachers, as well as learn about the work of the rehabilitation center. Movies are included every 2 hours.
  4. To see on the territory of the kennel of Sumatran rhinoceroses, elephants, bears, various birds, reptiles and insects. Mammals are provided with medical care.
  5. Take a walk through the forest, where some trees have a height of up to 70 m, and the plants are surprised with their bright colors and unusual flavors.

Features of visit

Going on an excursion to Sepilok, take repellents and comfortable shoes with you, because you'll have to walk on slippery wooden decking. Personal things, except cameras, leave in the storage room so that their primates do not take them away.

There is a souvenir shop selling themed products. The fee for entering the Sepilok orangutan rehabilitation center is $ 7 for adults and $ 3.50 for children from 5 years. Separately paid for photo and video - about $ 2. You can come here every day from 09:00 to 18:00, preferably in the dry season.

How to get there?

From the city ​​of Sandakan to the center you can take a taxi (about $ 20 in both directions) on the road number 22 (Jalan Sapi Nangoh). The distance is 25 km. The bus Batu 14 also goes here. It leaves from the City Council, the trip costs $ 0.5. From the stop you will need to walk 1.5 km.