How to get rid of constipation?

Constipation can be characterized as insufficient functionality of the intestine, the result of which is the inability of timely and daily emptying. The signs of constipation are irregular man's trips to the toilet and hard stools. If defecation is disrupted for several days, then such a problem must be addressed immediately so that there are no abnormalities in the digestive tract.

The causes and consequences of constipation in women

The main causes of constipation - this is an improper diet or diet, constant stress, sedentary lifestyle and taking medications that reduce the acidity of gastric juice. If the symptoms are ignored, a general slagging of the body may occur, as a result of which the work of almost all internal organs will be disrupted. Cramping pains with constipation and emptying are also common.

The consequences of irregular bowel movements are:

We treat constipation

To date, it is easy and quick to cope with the problem of constipation with the help of medications, which are selected individually by the attending physician. As a rule, the treatment of chronic constipation with laxatives is only temporary relief, which in speed will lead to addiction, that is, the body will not be able to empty the bowels on its own. Therefore, first of all, you need to review your daily diet and lifestyle.

Nothing so effectively helps to quickly get rid of constipation, like eating fiber. A lot of it is contained in fresh vegetables and fruits, corn, raisins, nuts, oatmeal. Various physical exercises are an excellent stimulation of the intestine. Do more sports, and if for some reason you can not exercise, it will be enough to crouch 5-7 times every day with your hands up.

It's not a secret for anyone that water is the main source of life for all living organisms, but certainly not everyone knows how to cope with constipation with it. Every day you need to drink at least 1.5-2 liters of fluid. Water must be drunk exclusively pure and non-carbonated, you can replace one reception of water with sweetened tea or natural juice.

In addition, as a prevention of constipation, nutritionists are strongly recommended to drink an empty glass of boiled water at room temperature on an empty stomach with the addition of 1-2 teaspoons of lime or lemon juice.

That there was no question how to cope with a constipation, it is necessary to spend periodically cleaning of an intestine from slags. In this you will help unloading days and enemas. Slag will not have time to accumulate in the intestine, if such procedures are carried out 1-2 times a month.

Help with constipation

How to get rid of constipation with the help of folk methods is known for a long time. If you are concerned about such a problem, you need:

  1. daily drink an empty stomach spoon of olive oil;
  2. drink plum compote or cabbage brine;
  3. add flax seeds to food;
  4. 1-2 times a week to eat a salad of cabbage, carrots, beets and celery, dressed with olive oil.

Effective help with constipation can be given to the patient if brew tea from Senna, sorrel curly or liquorice. To do this, 1 tablespoon of dry herbs pour 200 ml of hot water.

Children and elderly people will be useful to do massage with constipation. It is necessary to lightly press the palm of the legal hand and for 1 minute to do circular movements clockwise, and then simultaneously stroke the movements with the palms of both hands from the edges to the pubic region and from the sides.