Diet after childbirth for a nursing mother

Even if you do not imagine your life without delicious delicacies, after the birth of a baby you will have to substantially revise your diet. After all, all the products that enter your body significantly affect the composition of breast milk. Therefore, for a nursing mother, a diet after childbirth is simply necessary to avoid problems with colic, constipation and increased gas production in crumbs.

What can you eat during lactation?

Usually new parents get a lot of advice from relatives and friends about what it is worth to eat mothers during breastfeeding. But do not blindly listen to them. It is better to adhere to the following recommendations of specialists about the diet after childbirth for a nursing woman:

  1. The diet must be varied, but new products should be administered cautiously to exclude unwanted reactions in the crumbs. Food is preferably cooked, stewed or cooked in a double boiler, and not fried.
  2. In the diet for nursing mothers after giving birth, you can enter vegetables and fruits, but preferably in a boiled or baked form. It is also necessary to be careful with the use of a large amount of carrots, tomatoes and other vegetables and fruits of bright color: they are capable of provoking allergic reactions. Therefore while the kid does not grow up, it is better to refuse them.

However, it is not necessary and to make a diet after childbirth for a nursing mother is too rigid: the approximate menu includes a set of very different products:

From drinks it is worth giving preference to unsweetened green tea, mineral water without gas, low-fat milk, kefir (if the baby does not have an individual reaction), apple mors, dried fruit compote. Do not limit the flow of liquid into the body: you need to drink at least 2.5 liters.

Diet for weight loss

Diet after childbirth for weight loss, both breastfeeding and non-nursing mothers should be balanced. Exclude from it cakes, cakes, ice cream and other unnecessary sweets, as well as too fatty food and smoked meat. Eat 5-6 times a day in small portions. And remember that too strict a diet for weight loss after giving birth to a nursing mother is prohibited. Eat everything you can during lactation, and drink more - then the ideal weight is guaranteed to you.