Hortensia paniculate "Grandiflora"

Nothing can revive the garden so much as a well-groomed hydrangea bush - a beautiful ornamental plant, whose flowers have an amazing ability to change their color over time. About one of the most unpretentious varieties of hydrangeas - a panic hydrangea "Grandiflora" we'll talk today.

Hortensia paniculate "Grandiflora" - description

The variety of hydrangea "Grandiflora" can be grown in the form of a shrub or stem, reaching without a regular pruning height of 2.5 -3 meters. Under favorable conditions, the hydrangea of ​​the Grandiflora is capable of giving an increase in growth of 25-30 cm per year. For blooming, the hydrangea of ​​the Grandiflora usually begins at the age of five, but even up to this point it is quite capable of decorating the garden with large ones (12 cm in length ) leaves of ovoid form. When the hydrangea enters the age suitable for flowering, it releases fragrant honey-colored flowers, collected in the most beautiful inflorescence-panicles. Flowering hydrangeas stretches for a period from the beginning of June to the middle of October, and the special ornamentality is given to not even the flowers themselves, but their sepals, which throughout the flowering period change color from gently green to pink. This sort of hydrangea is also popular because it is able to withstand winter temperatures to -30 degrees without special losses.

Hortensia paniculate "Grandiflora" - planting and care

Hydrangea "Grandiflora" refers to those happy plant species, planting and care for which do not deliver to their owners any special difficulties:

  1. To plant a panic hydrangea "Grandiflora" you can start right away, as soon as snow starts to fall in the garden. To do this, in a well-illuminated part of the site, dig in a 40x40x50 cm landed pit and fill it with a mixture of fertile soil and peat so that a hill is formed flush with the margins of the fossa. On the mound, a hydrangea seedling is planted and its roots are carefully spread out in different directions. Then sprinkle the sapling with soil, while trying minimally (no more than 3 cm) to fill the root neck. After that, the ground around the seedling is gently tamped and watered abundantly, achieving moistening of the soil layer by 50-60 cm.
  2. Mulching the near-range circle of hydrangea with a thick (10-15 cm) layer of sawdust, peat or tree bark not only prevents the growth of weeds and helps to conserve moisture in the soil, but also positively affects the acidity of the soil. The diameter of the mulching layer should correspond to the diameter of the hydrangea crown, or somewhat exceed it. In addition, mulching, after the establishment of stable frost, helps hydrangeas safely survive the winter cold.
  3. For the timely filling of flower buds and full bloom Hydrangeas require a sufficient amount of nutrients, which is ensured by timely and regular supplementation. The first time hydrangeas are fed during planting, introducing organic and mineral fertilizers into the planting pit. The next top dressing is done at the end of spring - early summer, watering the hydrangea with a liquid solution of fermented chicken manure and complex mineral fertilizer. After this, the fertilizing is repeated every two to three weeks, stopping them immediately after the shoots are lignified.
  4. To hydrangea "Grandiflora" blossom not only abundantly, but also formed as large as possible inflorescences, it must be regularly cut , forming a crown in the form of a stem or bush.