Intervertebral hernia in lower back symptoms

The intervertebral hernia has become quite a common problem recently. An increasing number of people have to deal with it. The earlier it will be possible to identify the symptoms of intervertebral hernia in the lower back, the better and easier the treatment will be. To recognize the manifestation of the disease in fact is not so difficult.

Because of what there are symptoms of intervertebral herniation of the lumbar spine?

This is not so easy to believe, but ideally the spine of a healthy person can withstand a load of up to four hundred kilograms. And this indicator is significantly increased if the gravity rises on elongated arms. Most of all from excessive loads to suffer the most mobile part of the spine - lumbar. That is why the intervertebral hernia in the lower back is diagnosed more often than usual.

Various factors can contribute to the manifestation of the symptoms of intervertebral hernia in the lower back. The latter include:

In the risk zone are those who lead a too relaxed lifestyle, and those who regularly encounter excessive loads.

The main symptoms of lumbar intervertebral hernia

Experts all the symptoms used to be divided into three groups:

They show up as the disease develops. Unpleasant soreness is the first and most important symptom of the intervertebral hernia. In the earliest stages, pain can be attributed to fatigue, but over time, attacks will become more and more painful.

Starting in the lower back, the pain gradually moves along the nerve fibers. Because of this, many patients complain of unpleasant sensations in the shin, knee, gluteus muscles and sometimes even the perineum. In this case, the nature of pain also changes. Initially, it is aching, but later it becomes shooting.

If we neglect the above-described symptom of the intervertebral hernia of the spine, other signs of the disease will soon join it. At some point, the attack of pain can immobilize and for a while knock the patient out of the rut. The gait of the patient becomes less confident in this case, some of them have a skewed trunk.

It is accompanied by a feeling of numbness and sometimes even squeezing of internal organs. That is why the symptoms of exacerbation of the herniated intervertebral disc is usually attributed to diseases of internal organs. Women with hernias may have problems with the ovaries, uterine diseases and hormonal failures.

If the patient does not receive the necessary treatment at this stage, there are signs of radicular syndrome. To these symptoms of a hernia intervertebral discs of the lumbar spine include the following:

Treatment of a hernia can be either operational or conservative. Special physical culture complexes, massages, physiotherapeutic procedures, acupuncture, and manual therapy help the patients. The problem is solved also with the help of medical methods of treatment - injection of steroids or taking anti-inflammatory drugs.