Albumins - the norm in the blood

Albumin is a protein compound, for the synthesis of which the liver responds. Normally, as a percentage, blood plasma contains up to 65% albumin. In addition, a simple low molecular weight protein is found in the cerebrospinal, interstitial and lymphatic fluids.

Why do we need albumins?

Their role in the body is extremely important. Albumins are necessary to maintain the osmotic pressure of the plasma and are a kind of food stock. In critical situations, they are consumed by the body in the first place, since they contain a huge number of amino acids. Albumins are direct participants in transportation:

Therefore, a violation of the concentration of albumins adversely affects the entire body.

What is the norm of albumin concentration in the blood?

The norm of albumin in the blood of women and men is practically the same. Therefore in medicine it is accepted to use not the sexual sign, but the age category when deciphering the results of the analysis. With the help of clinical studies determine how many grams of protein is contained in a liter of blood:

  1. For children under the age of 14, the norm is 38-54 units.
  2. In the age category of 14-60 years, the albumin concentration is 35-50 units.
  3. After 60 there is a slight decrease in the indicator - 34-38 g / l.

Every day the liver produces about 15 grams of protein fractions. The process proceeds continuously, since the duration of albumin is very low, only 17-20 days.

The change in albumin concentration, as a rule, is a confirmation of the pathological processes taking place in the human body. A natural decrease in the index occurs only during pregnancy and breastfeeding, since the mother shares with her child the substances necessary for normal life. Increase in concentration, unrelated to diseases, It is observed during dehydration of the body as a result of abundant sweat secretion.

Find your indicator of pure protein in the blood can by passing the sample for analysis.

To determine whether the level of albumin in the blood is normal, it is enough to pass a blood sample. The fence is made from a venous vessel on the elbow. It is worth noting that the concentration of protein fractions may change if a person has been on his feet for a long time or experienced a serious physical strain before taking blood.