Mental communication - what does it mean, how it is formed, how to break it?

Mental connection - at least once in a life each person noticed, that his thoughts and feelings coincide with thoughts and feelings of close people. For example, the native person still did not say anything, but there is a knowledge of what he is going to say, down to every word in his phrase - this is the mental mental connection.

What does the mental connection mean?

Mental telepathic communication has long been of interest to scientists, studies themselves on this subject are not so many, and the question whether there is a mental connection between people remains open. Those studies that were conducted with the help of FMRT confirm that there is a mental connection, and it is from the scientific point of view the synchronization of the right and left hemispheres among the participants in the dialogue, if the topic is interesting for them. In this case, the activity of the listener's brain completely copies those zones of brain activity that are used by the narrator.

History of mentalities

The mental connection between people on a historical scale can be imagined as those discoveries, attitudes, what enters into the general field of the collective unconscious. There are several examples where people in different parts of the globe made at the same time the same discoveries, at some point the synchronization occurred and on the mental level there was a consensus, although the scientists did not even know each other:

  1. 1839 - L. Dagger in Paris and G. Talbot in London invented and demonstrated cameras.
  2. 1876 ​​- H. Bell registered a patent for the phone 2 hours before E. Gray also applied for the same patent.
  3. 1993 - R. Roberts and F. Sharpe independently made a discovery about the intermittent structure of the gene.

Signs of a mental connection

Communication on the mental level can be attributed to the psychological and magical. Many scientists believe that telepathy is charlatanism and does not seriously approach the study of this phenomenon, but it has not ceased to exist from this and many things that occur during a mental connection are difficult to explain logically. So, how does the mental connection manifest itself:

How is the mental connection between people formed?

Mental connection with a man - how it is formed, is a complex question for which there is no unambiguous answer, mainly the answers lie in the field of esotericism and are not recognized by scientists. The strongest telepathic connection is formed between close people:

Communication often requires time and joint pastime, synchronization of the rhythm of brain activity occurs, and mystics and esotericists believe that the energy thin bodies of close people interpenetrate one another, this occurs through connecting threads, which the clairvoyants see as silver cords entering the energy centers - The chakras .

Mental connection between a man and a woman

The mental connection between lovers consists of mutual energy exchange, starting at the physical level, then there is synchronization at the spiritual, emotional and mental levels. Mental connection with the beloved is among the esotericists considered to be the 4th level of relationships, when mutual understanding, the value of each other, the ability to read the thoughts and feelings of the partner comes. A good mental connection between a man and a woman is facilitated by the following actions:

Mental communication of twins

Numerous studies have shown that there is a special psychological connection between the twins, especially between monozygotic ones. Even when twins grow up and live far apart, the mental connection at a distance remains strongly pronounced, as evidenced by the following examples:

Mental communication - how to install?

Mental communication - how to develop? Tuning for a loved one more often happens spontaneously, but if you set a goal, then the mentally telepathic connection can be strengthened, for this there are different energetic and esoteric practices, but it is important to feel the line, crossing which, there is already interference in a person's personal space and this can feel like a psychological pressure.

Mental communication - exercises

Communication with a person at the mental level can be developed with the help of the following exercises alone or with a partner (you can ask a loved one to participate), they must be performed systematically:

  1. Reception and transfer . To blindfold and walk around the room in different directions, it is important to say something. The partner at this time also tries to move silently silently around the room. At some point you need to say "Stop!", Stop and the partner stops and stands quietly, trying not to breathe. The task at this stage is to feel the partner's vibrations and point the gesture where it is supposed to be, to describe this place. Then the partner leaves the room and we have to compare the sensations of his presence and absence.
  2. Visualization of a call from a loved one . Sit, relax, imagine an internal white screen on which you need to project the face of a loved one and ask him to mentally call in the near future, concentrating as much as possible on the desire and presenting in the smallest detail how he calls and what emotions arise in this. In this exercise, a strong faith and a clear thought form are important.
  3. Execute the action . Sit comfortably, relax, close your eyes, visualize the white screen with your inner vision and project the face of a loved one onto it. Mentally ask to perform its simple action: brew and bring tea, open or close the window, turn on or off the light, radio, TV. Concentrate on joyful emotions because the action is committed, then send a clear thought form to a close person, not giving out behavior, that you expect something from him.

As an option, this exercise can be used in public transport, you can mentally try to send thought forms to the chosen person, for example, so that he turns around, gets up from his place, smiles, looks out the window. It is important to remember that you can not manipulate people , therefore, thought forms must be simple and do not harm a person.

How to break the mental connection?

Mental communication if formed, then a very long time it will still be strong, so this time you need to give yourself. Help yourself to go through the break-up phase more painlessly, if there is a true desire and there is no illusion that it is still possible to return. How to break the mental link with a man - the practice of letting go:

  1. To adjust to the state of goodness and peace, the mind is calm, the body is relaxed. Light a candle.
  2. Mentally cause the image of a man with whom it is necessary to break the mental connection, put his image in front of him, thank him for what he was.
  3. Present multicolored threads that connect with a partner at the level of energy centers (chakras).
  4. Take the candle in hand and begin to experience these threads by driving the candle from the bottom up, dissecting the space, while it is important to burn all the threads.
  5. Imagine how the image of a man is removed, there is a release. The practice is over. You can repeat it for several days.

Causes of a break in the mental connection

If you look at a person metaphorically as a traveler, then everyone has his own way, during which there are meetings with different people, other travelers, someone has to go with the other person most of the way together, so the mental connection gets stronger, and someone goes only a small section of the road and then turns onto another path. The reason that mental ties are falling is that a person has played a role and it's time for him to move on. How to break off the mental connection with a man - the answer is simple: with gratitude let him go.