Harmony - what is it and how to learn to live in harmony with yourself?

There is such a concept: "Harmony of the soul and body", relating to the human personality, but the very term "harmony" can be found in music, architecture, literature, philosophy. Happy are those who consider themselves harmonious people and are able to live in harmony with the world around them.

Harmony - what is it?

It is about consonance, harmony. Harmony is a single whole, the coherence of individual components. In aesthetics - this is the coherence of the opposite in quality entities. In philosophy, it is the organization of the universe that opposes chaos. As for social and moral significance, it is a set of human dignities that manifest themselves in appearance, words and deeds. This is some kind of balance or balance between the external and the internal.

Harmony is philosophy

The first philosophical interpretation of harmony was given by Heraclitus in the first half of the 5th century BC. e. The idea of ​​harmony can be traced back to the Pythagorean idea of ​​harmony of spheres. In one form or another, it is observed in Giordano Bruno, Kepler, Leibniz, and others. Goethe's harmony of body and soul is expressed in the development of all valuable human qualities and their equilibrium. In the history of philosophy, harmony is associated with ethics, epistemology, cosmology, but all these teachings were based on certain aesthetic ideals, based on ideas about man, society and nature.

What is a harmonious person?

Such an individual perceives the world without any personal evaluation. Internal harmony ensures the emission of light and kindness, love of everything around. Such people always have peace in their hearts. They are not torn apart by internal contradictions, they are absolutely satisfied with themselves and their lives, which is expressed in words and deeds, intentions. Harmonious people are decent and open to the world, they know the measure in everything and feel it. Their qualities form a perfect and complete whole. A harmonious person receives satisfaction from any cause, because all her actions are dictated by the dictates of the heart.

How to build a harmonious life?

Being a harmonious person is a whole art, but it can be understood if desired. Harmony in life is achieved by several things - belief in the best, the desire to achieve something, to be useful and to receive pleasure from what you are doing. A harmonious person does not complain, does not take offense and does not demand. You need to have agreement within yourself, approve your actions in the soul and act in accordance with your deep convictions. When there is peace in the soul, life will begin to turn its best side. Opportunities will come true, manifest themselves.

How to learn to live in harmony with yourself?

This is a difficult question, because every person lives in a life of a period when he is not required to do what he wants from him. All are brought up in different ways, but the pressure of others was experienced by everyone. Those who are interested in how to live in harmony with themselves, you can give such advice:

  1. To realize your desires and act in accordance with them, and if something does not work out, do not criticize yourself. It's not a mistake that he does not do anything and everyone has the right to make a mistake.
  2. To understand that everything that happens in life is a reflection of one's own stereotype of thinking . If it stops working for yourself, you can change it.
  3. Stop feeling guilty, do not build a cage with your own hands.
  4. To love yourself without any conventions and reservations.
  5. Harmony of the soul is to act as you see fit and useful for yourself.

How to live in harmony with others?

A person can not live outside the society, and he is forced to interact with others. True, in harmony with them, not all can live. Someone is too concerned that people will tell about him, and someone would not care about the social and moral standards. The golden mean can be found if:

  1. Do not try to justify the expectations of others and do not expect anything from people themselves and do not demand anything. Everyone has the right to be himself and to prove nothing to anyone.
  2. Learn to say no. If this is contrary to its principles and beliefs, then it is better to deny a person what to do next.
  3. Treat people as you would like them to treat you. This is the main postulate of a harmonious life.
  4. To approve and support their loved ones. Those who are interested in how to achieve harmony, it is worth remembering this, especially when it comes to raising children.
  5. Surround yourself with only those with whom it is pleasant to communicate, spend time, work. Doing business that brings satisfaction and joy.

Harmony of man and woman

Strong and weak sex have differences not only in appearance. It is like two halves of one whole, complementing and balancing each other. Men are more calm and determined, and women are emotional and intuitive. Partners who want to know how to find harmony must take into account the psychological characteristics of each other. A woman can and under the man's heel drive and exalt him, as they say "to make a soldier general."

The choice of a partner is made not by a man, but by a woman, but the wise and tactful will always be in the shadow of her faithful, skillfully giving out her decisions for him. From the side of the man she waits for protection, she wants to feel like behind a stone wall. Great importance in creating a harmonious relationship has a sense of humor, because it's not for nothing that psychologists say that for a man able to make her laugh, a woman will go to the end of the world.

How to build a harmonious relationship with a man?

The following recommendations should be followed:

  1. It should be remembered how important it is for a man to realize that he is the main authority, the decisions of which are final.
  2. Harmony in the family consists in skillfully supporting the myth of his "domination", guiding the thoughts and deeds of the faithful in the right direction. In the end, it turns out that both "wolves are full, and the sheep are whole."
  3. It is vitally important for a man to feel himself an advocate, the guardian of his family, so a woman, even the most competent and self-confident at least from time to time, should show weakness and vulnerability, dependence. The harmony of life in the family is based on these principles.

Harmonious sexual relations

No matter how trite it sounds, but harmony in sex is achieved only if:

  1. Harmony of souls. If the partners are emotionally close, then in their bed they will all be harmonious.
  2. The aspirations give more than you get. Then the response will be appropriate.
  3. Getting more pleasure when delivering it to another. Then the previous postulate will work. That is, it is not stronger to be excited not at the caresses of your body, but seeing how the beloved's body responds to caresses.

All other nuances can be solved together and if you want to experiment and look for something new together, if it does not cause any inconvenience and suffering to anyone. At the same time, a man should know that for women the prelude is much more important, and the woman understands how important a change of positions is for men. Openness to each other, emancipation will do their job, and partners even after years do not get bored with each other.