Fraksiparin during pregnancy

The question of the expediency of prescribing low-molecular heparins during pregnancy is still open. There is a certain percentage of women who have a need for anticoagulant therapy, but is it worth treating them so radically? Increase in blood coagulability is observed in infectious and inflammatory diseases, the threat of termination of pregnancy and the risk of intrauterine fetal death. We will try to understand how useful it is to use Fraksiparin during pregnancy, the indication for its purpose, contraindications and side effects.

The use of Frakssiparin in pregnancy

To understand, under what conditions it is necessary to appoint or nominate nyxes Fraksiparina at pregnancy, we shall understand with features of its or his action on an organism. The main action of Fraksiparin is the obstruction to blood coagulation (anticoagulant action) and the prevention of blood clots.

Due to the fact that the placenta increases in size with the increase in the gestation period, and more blood vessels and capillaries appear in it, with increased blood coagulability it can stagnate in small capillaries with the subsequent formation of thrombi. This pathological chain leads to chronic fetal hypoxia .

In addition, in the third trimester of pregnancy, the pelvic vein is contracted by an enlarged uterus, as a consequence of which the outflow from the veins of the lower extremities worsens, as a result of which the blood in them can stagnate with the formation of thrombi. Frakssiparin or Clexan during pregnancy prevent blood clotting in the veins of the lower limbs, which is an effective prevention of thrombosis. The most formidable complication of thrombosis of the veins of the lower limbs is pulmonary embolism, which in some cases can be completed lethal. Frakssiparin in pregnancy, according to the instructions, is not contraindicated, but each individual case must be treated individually.

Fraksiparin in pregnancy - side effects, contraindications and possible consequences

Before you appoint Fraksiparin to a pregnant woman, the doctor should assess that the benefit to the expectant mother will be greater than the possible harm to the fetus.

Contraindications for the appointment of Fraksiparin during pregnancy are:

Side effects may appear as a rash and itching at the injection site, in rare cases, hives, Quincke's edema, or anaphylactic shock may develop. In case of an overdose, the risk of bleeding increases significantly.

How to prick Frakssiparin during pregnancy?

Now consider if Fraksiparin is prescribed for pregnancy, how and where should it be stabbed? Frakssiparin in the pharmacy network is sold as syringes with thin hypodermic needles, at a dosage of 0.3 mg. To enter the drug into the subcutaneous fat tissue, you need to pick up a crease on the abdomen, above the navel and insert the drug from the syringe, while during the introduction, the crease should not be released.

Having considered all the pros and cons of using Fraksiparin during pregnancy, one can say that his appointment should be absolutely justified, because he has a number of contraindications and possible side effects. And if there is a possibility, then we should do with tableted forms of antiaggregant drugs.