Painless delivery

The most crucial moment for the entire pregnancy is approaching, and the expectant mother is looking forward to the birth of her baby. However, instead of pleasant excitement, a woman, as a rule, experiences a lot of anxiety and fear of pain. Fortunately, in our time this problem is solved. Painless labor is possible, firstly, with the correct self-preparation of the parturient woman, and secondly, with the help of medications.

Preparation for painless childbirth

Great importance is the psychological attitude of the pregnant woman. Scientists have proved that if the expectant mother is happy to expect the baby's appearance, then the birth pain for her will not seem so painful. Therefore, before birth, you need to adjust yourself to a positive mood, to concentrate on the fact that soon you will meet with your baby, which was worn under the heart for 9 months.

Pregnant women need to take special courses and learn about all the details of the birth process. Fear will decrease at times, when you will gradually know what awaits you. In addition, in the class you will be physically prepared and learn how to make labor painless with the help of proper breathing.

Medical anesthesia

Even with the correct preparation of many do not let go of the excitement about whether the birth can be painless. For women with hypersensitivity, there are medicinal methods of anesthesia during labor. To this end, doctors use drugs that alleviate pain symptoms. This, as a rule, narcotic analgesics - morphine, promedol. To expand the vessels and relax the musculature of the uterus, antispasmodics are also used. Such a remedy does not completely eliminate the pain, but it will greatly facilitate it. Their use is allowed if there are at least 2 hours remaining until the end of labor, and the cervix is ​​already open for 3-4 cm.

Epidural anesthesia

Recently, such a method of analgesia in labor as an epidural anesthesia is often used. Marcaine or lidocaine is injected under the hard shell of the spinal cord in the lumbar spine. Anesthesia is carried out by an anesthesiologist and is done mainly with complicated births. This method has drawbacks, it is:

Do not pre-adjust to anesthesia during childbirth . Many women in labor confess that for them the birth pain was quite tolerable and was forgotten almost immediately after the appearance of the baby.