Salivation in cats - reasons

Excessive secretion of saliva in cats is called hypersalivation. And if the owner notices his cat's excess saliva dripping from the mouth, he wants to know what caused it.

Why does the cat drool?

Excess salivation can occur in a completely healthy cat, if it is given, for example, a bitter drug from worms. Long-haired cats often accumulate in the stomach lumps of wool, and this causes drooling or even vomiting. Some cats sway in the car and at the same time they can also drool. All these causes cause an easy and short-lived salivation in the cat.

The reasons for the abundant salivation in the cat, which should be noted, may be several. And all of them can be divided into two parts: the problem arises in the mouth of the animal and in other parts of its body. In the mouth of an animal this can be:

The cat starts drooling with nausea. Causes excessive salivation in the cat diseases of the stomach, esophagus, intestines, their obstruction. In diseases of the kidneys, liver, rabies or when exposed to the cat's body of poisonous substances, it can also be salivary.

Salivation in a cat can be accompanied by other symptoms, for example, loss of appetite, changes in nutritional needs, difficulty swallowing, muzzle friction, change in behavior.

To establish the real cause of this state of the cat, first of all, it is necessary to examine its oral cavity, as gum and tooth diseases in cats are the most common cause of excessive salivation. The animal may not allow you to do this. Therefore, you should contact a veterinarian who, with the help of sedatives or even anesthesia, will fully examine your pet.

Having carefully studied all the symptoms, the specialist will determine the cause of hypersalivation and, depending on it, will be able to prescribe an adequate treatment.