Cervical rupture during childbirth

During birth, the cervix is ​​of great importance. From its disclosure depends the course of the whole process. In most cases, the cervical rupture during childbirth happens when she does not have time to fully open, and the child is already out.

Causes of cervical rupture

Tears of the cervix usually happens spontaneously if:

The rupture of the cervix can also be obtained by violent means, when physicians have to take out the baby with their own hands. This happens only in emergency situations.

Types of cervical rupture

Pathological are considered such gaps that have a length of more than 1 cm. Depending on the depth of the rupture, they are divided into 3 degrees:

Sometimes, cervical ruptures during childbirth go to vaginal vaults or spread to the inner throat of the uterus. In such cases, the situation is complicated by severe hemorrhage.

Consequences of rupture of the cervix

First of all, the consequences of this postpartum pathology depend on the level of care provided and the complexity of the gap. Diagnosis of gaps is quite simple. In maternity homes after childbirth, every woman is examined, postpartum pathologies are easily detected by examination with special mirrors. Treatment of rupture of the cervix is ​​the application of sutures kedgood, which dissolves itself within 2 months.

If the joints are not seated correctly or if there is an undetected rupture, the woman Serious health problems threaten:


To provide tears of the cervix, you need to follow all the recommendations of obstetricians and doctors during labor. In no case should one begin to make attempts at a small opening of the throat. A good training of the muscles of the perineum, which increases their elasticity even during the period of bearing the baby, is the performance of Kegel exercises.